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Absolutely loved the first stink of this game in the cabin. The creepy atmosphere and slowly piecing together an escape was super engaging. and I thought the video saves were also very interesting and unique.

However, each subsequent stink just didn't hit that same high as the first for me. This made the later parts of the game drag on, especially the robot stink. Though they did loop it all in and end it off very very well.

Gotta take the mantis god

The concept of this game is amazing. Exploring all the unique planets and booting through space made me feel like a true space explorer. Full of awe moments when making a new discovery or getting through a puzzle (or still being super impressed/excited when I had to get a hint to get through).

Though, I did often feel disconnected from the main story and did not know how to advance. Whether that be because I missed a key piece of text or got stuck on a puzzle. But in the end I got a grasp on it and really enjoyed the ending.

Really fun and unique rouge like game. It is very addictive buying cards and opening packs to mold your deck into a ridiculous combination to blow out the blinds.

There are so many decks and difficulties to play for each one that I could play for 100 more hours and still not complete all of them. I've beat it with a few decks now and one deck at a few difficulties, but trying to complete everything seems like it would be more chore than fun. I will probably come back periodically and complete each of the decks, but I am satisfied for now.

EDIT: Ok I got sucked back in and am loving it, unreal game. So addicting.

Super super fun platforming. Completing some of those sequences got me fired up. The strawberries are a great way to challenge yourself if you're up for it, but I never felt like I had to get them.

The story was decent, didn't care for it too much in the middle but it came together at the end.

Decent story that picks up as the mystery unravels. The game play was ok but got fairly repetitive running around and fighting the same enemies.

The best part of the game was fighting off the hordes of enemies at the rock concert.

The overall atmosphere and story was interesting, the strange vide of the entire place was cool. But i couldn't be bothered to read all (any) of the collectible files, so I didn't get too deep into lore of it all.

Really fun and unique fighting mechanics with many abilities and weapons to keep things fresh. The world and characters were also solid.

Would recommend this game.

I also played both DLCs which were both decent, new unique mini adventures utilizing existing and some new mechanics.

Super cool graphics and combat concept. I'm not great with rhythm, but you don't need to be perfect to enjoy the combat and combos.

Found some of the sequences and combat either tedious or frustrating. Also didn't care about the story much

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Great game play with lots of options for combat to keep things fresh. I really enjoyed having to aim for enemy limbs to blast off. Exploring the ship and zero gravity were both very fun

A few jump scares but overall not too scary.

Followed the story for the most part but got a little confusing at the end.

Super fun deck building rouge like game. With 4 characters, tons of cards and artifacts there's is quite a bit of replayability and unique experiences.

I often have the urge to go back and play every once and a while, often on the daily climb.

Decent puzzle adventure game. The environment and atmosphere were great and the puzzles were fun overall.

Didn't care much for the story.

I have not experienced a game quite like this, it had me emerced from start to end. The sound, visuals, story, combat and puzzles were all incredible.

A must play, highly recommended doing so with noise canceling headphones.

Great art style, music and ambiance. The puzzles are fun and feel satisfying when solved.

Put around 6 hour into it and I feel like I was getting frustrated at a mechanic or cut scene or poor instructions. I got stuck in the ground twice forcing me to reset, the climbing mechanics are clunky and trying to navigate stealthily around to avoid swarms of enemies was a chore rather than feeling exciting.

Combat was fun for the most part and the word looks great.