67 Reviews liked by Seltzy

I really wanted to like this.

The puzzles didn't exactly blow my mind, but there were so clever solutions. I found the ones that required extreme precision to be really frustrating. I just couldn't find any value in this besides it somewhat reminding me of the better games it was inspired by.

Simple but charming game. Clearly a Good-Feel kids game but I enjoyed it. I was hoping it would have a lot of the charm that Super Princess Peach did on the DS but not really. It's a damn shame this doesn't run at 60 fps. Considering Mario Odyssey, 3D world, Wonder and Mario Kart 8, all run at 60 fps and run laps around this game graphically, it's just disappointing. You're honestly not missing much skipping this game.

Look, its not comparable to early silent hill and i think its unfair to do so. long before this rendition, the silent hill name has been desecrated as a cash cow. This is not revolutionary or even particularly deep but for the love of god can people chill tf out LOL i know its cool to be a hater and everyone is hive minded but its not THAT bad. i wasn't the target audience as a 27yo woman but i can feel myself really enjoying this when i was younger and maybe my taste wasn't so refined and things needed to be a little less obscure. You can see the shortcomings very clearly, japanese devs trying to make something for americans (westerners) translation that isnt great hence the hilariously bad "ugly!" "stupid!" "weirdo!" schizo post-its and dialogue, some truly terrible english voice acing in some parts - I thought the PC was voiced pretty well though.
Enjoy it for what it is; a 2-3 hour, FREE little practice teaser of the type of horror and aesthetics that is to come from KONAMI's hexadrive (who are new devs apart of KONAMI). It was so very obviously meant to be for younger people, mainly girls and it was littered of references to past silent hill games - even very much PT. The devs clearly love and respect silent hill IP let them find their footing and hate on KONAMI all you want but leave the lil guys out of it.
plus, again, IT IS FREE, $0.00
I love silent hill, its been apart of my identity for some time, maybe im just becoming a boomer on the internet by this point but i wish we didnt all have such hate boners for everything, just like, move on and let the teenage girls enjoy things if they want.
plus music and monster was amazing but that is not a surprise.

at this point in my life i think i am looking for experiences with a few less hugs than this

This game is actually miserable to play. It's super fucking clunky. Level design is ass. The only good stages are the first 2. It's a shame because I like the idea of a slower paced Sonic game. One that focus on being a more slower paced platformer. I was excited for this game when it was being shown off. This came out after Colors and Generations which, while I'm not too keen on those games now, at the time were both fantastic! Sonic in my eyes could do no wrong! Now over 10 years later I'm finally getting to it and holy shit is this game miserable. I really really really wanted to be like "it's not that bad, people are just haters" but no this game is actually fucking dreadful.

I'm so sorry, I really wanted to like the game, but the gameplay is mediocre, I can't believe Resident Evil 4 is one of the most influential games in action and this game took nothing from it.

The combat is reduced to lighting the enemies and using the pistol and shotgun or rifle, Also grenades and flares, running away is not a very good option, since the enemies are very fast and it is difficult to know when they will attack you from behind, Alan does not even run, just dodge infinitely and is very vulnerable, there are no kicks or a melee weapon, if you do not have bullets or other tools you're screwed.

The game looks for excuses to stay in the same forest as always in the most ridiculous ways, for example when they possess Rose and despite having changed her personality they don't hesitate a bit and have a coffee with a sleeping pill xD

The story is the best part of the game, especially the ending, it's open to two possible endings, it's great.

I really do not know if I recommend this game, if you do not mind eating 8 hours of the same monotonous gameplay with the same old forest that stretches like a chewing gum is your game.

One of them games you gotta pay a nigga to like and i’m not being compensated so imma be real this probably a worse version of any rpg you can think of

I understand but also have you considered playing it isn't fun?

Knuckle Sandwich is visually and aesthetically astounding RPG with a pretty wild idea of combat mechanics. I would say it's like what if you had Mario & Luigi mechanics of dodging attacks along with Warioware microgames to counterattack enemies and deal the best damage all in an RPG. You can clearly tell that the developer put so much inspiration from the medium and tries so much to deliver on a fulfilling combat system, story, characters, and word. Despite this, I kinda didn't connect with the game. Like I clearly see 'The Vision' and love put into this short RPG but I wasn't as wowed by the story or characters in the game; I can certainly say though it gets crazy and some to most will see the charm in it with its weirdness. While the game didn't click with me and didn't pull me in with some personal feelings and flaws such as the limited inventory, I DO respect this game and hope for its success as it did take a long time to make this. It's a pretty good title I will say and, if you want to play it, I recommend trying out the demo first to see if the gameplay and/or story really connects with you so you can buy it.

I like this one a lot, finally after 2 games I get to the one that's finally as good as 2. I love the robots, I love the enemies, the designs are great, its fun and doesn't take too long. I love it. Good game, definitely up there for one of the best ones atm.

Once the credits rolled and I saw the sheer mountain of Nintendo employees credited as "level designers" everything made sense. Creative, but without a voice – or indeed, too many (and I don't mean those god-awful flowers!)

I tried, but simply can't bring myself to play this game very long and while in general the game itself receives a lot of positive reception, it seems a lot of Steam users have the same problem. Only around 40% killed a crimson head, an enemy that appears like 1 or 2 hours into the game depending on how quick or slow you play through it, while only 76% ever defeated their first zombie. And looking at the achievements for beating the game, only 22% percent finished the game with Jill and 14% with Chris, with only 9% ever beating the game with both. I know these statistics are somewhat flawed, because not everyone owning it, may even installed and played it, but even thinking of the 76% as every user that played the game, it stills means a lot of them did not even play like 2 hours of it.

The problems I have with the game are in personal nature, though. I simply do not like the fixed camera installments. When playing this I just recently finished Resident Evil Zero after a long break (so MAYBE, I will continue/retry this game in like... 2 years or what), but even with that one I just finished it, to have it finished. I just prefer being able to freely investigate my surroundings, see the enemies in front of me, while not having to wait for them to stumble into the camera and not having one of those door cutscene whenever I walk through one. These get kind of annoying when you're lost or have to backtrack the same area for the 100st time. I know that originally they were included to hide the loading time of the games, but I've played this one on a modern gaming PC and I highly doubt that loading the pre-rendered backgrounds and few 3D models do even take that long on my machine.

I really hope that Capcom will one day make a remake of this one in the style of Resident Evil 2 and 3. Until then, I guess it's unlikely that I'll ever finish a version of the first game, but should I ever decide to change my mind and continue and finish this game, I might update my review.

i finished this game in two sittings feeling very weird about it. It felt like I had just played it recently. Opened the game in Desmume and low and behold I had back in March. This game isn't bad by any means. I had a lot of fun with it even on an accidental second run. It's just really forgettable.

Absolute masterpiece. Unfairly criticized. I could bet all my moneys... if it has been originaly released on a nintendo console, it would have been universally acclaimed

First GOTM finished for September 2023. Such a quirky Treasure game, it almost feels like a mish-mash of ideas that didn't quite make it into their other games. I have fond memories of videogame store rentals with this one growing up, and while I never did beat it back then I've been waiting for an opportunity to play this one again. While my adult version definitely noticed a lot more flaws this time around (the aforementioned need for Treasure N64 games to use every button, poor and sometimes unnecessarily vague level design, repetitive enemy and friendly NPC design outside of bosses) this game still manages to have enough goofy charm and whimsy to capture my attention all the way through many years later.

Also, the Beastector boss fights go hard and were super fun.