This game ain't perfect, by no means. But that doesn't mean it's a bad one like everyone is portraying it. While the story ain't one of my favorites, and it feels... simply wrong, with bad characters, and bad development, the game itself it's beautiful. With great soundtrack, awesome (and gruesome) gameplay, with so many little details that makes the experience and atmosphere breathtaking. This, this could have been the perfect sequel, but at least for me, it isn't. Maybe it'll grow with me, just give it some time.

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Completed the game at 100% on everything. Currently grinding for CO 7-99, absolutely my favorite game this year.

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what the fuck.

Do androids dream of electric sheep? Or maybe they dream about being humans? Do we exist for a reason, or we're looking for a reason to live? Automata has answers, and even more questions, making you go through a rollercoaster of emotions, with a great soundtrack, atmosphere, and characters. This is a must play.

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Finished the alt path, plus the true ending, just to realize I need to do it 34 times. I'm in love with this DLC, it's basically Isaac 2, and I can't get enough of it. Amazing work, Edmund!

It has one of my favorite Sonic OSTs ever. I played the heck outta this one as a kid, it was a gift from my mother (she didn't really knew i was into sonic, or anything back then) and it was one of the best experiences on a handled. It may not live up to the hype on the present year, but it's one of those games that I hold very dearly.

I can't believe I went through this one. It's a complete buggy mess, and it doesn't hold up to the original on the wii. Go get the original experience instead.

I can't believe I sat through this one. Just played it because the PS+ gave it away and i wanted a few chuckles. Finished it in literally 2/3 hours by just holding the boost on the modern sonic phases. This game? it's... garbage. Don't do this to yourself.

Basically my introduction to the RPG genre while being just a little kid.

What a thrill. My second Hideo Kojima's game, and one of my absolute favorites despite it's flaws.