Yeah I thought this was gonna be a Diablo-like, but its way more survival craft. Your gear gets better from crafting it, not dopamine drops from constant killing. My bad for not really doing much research before purchasing.

I played the demo for this game and was blown away. It seemed like a fun take on a typing game, but when I got the full game the ideas presented to me in the demo just got vary arduous soon after the demo ended.

Cryptmaster is a dungeon crawler mixed with text adventure, with a typing game also. There are many puzzles and dialogue things where you can just type whatever you want, so things are very "open ended"(?) kind of? This could be cool, the allure of text adventure games is the freedom you could have from being able to "do anything", but that is the same allure that falls short in this game.

There are a lot of mechanics that feed into each other so I kind of just have to start explaining them all. Let's start with the memories of your 4 person party. At all times your party will have a blank word that will gradually fill up as you gain letters. Letters are gained from fighting enemies, doing riddles, or opening chests. The more letters you have, the easier you can guess the word, but you can type in the word anything once its the one on screen. These memories can either be lore, or moves to use in combat. There appears to be like 40-ish for each person, mostly consisting of lore from what I could tell. I beat the game and ended up with like less than 20 on each character.

Chests are puzzles in which you ask the Cryptmaster to describe a mystery item (look, touch, remember what it did, taste, etc.). Limited number of guesses, and when you solve it all the letters get put into your memory words. There are skulls that give you riddles to figure out, and similarly if you solve them, the letters get added. The problem with these is purely a chance thing where maybe none of the letters actually help you, or you already had those letters, just fucking annoying i think.

Fighting enemies gives you 1 letter of your choosing from their name, but I find the combat fucking annoying. The combat is recommenced to be in real time (more in line with most typing games), or you can do a version of turn based combat. In real time, you must type your moves fast while a timer counts when the enemy will attack. However, you have a cooldown after each move (per character), and this feels so ridiculously long compared to enemy attack speed. Also the fact you have to remember every move for 4 characters in a high speed fight, that was just not feasible for me, so I went to turn based. Turn based isn't traditional turnbased, it just makes every letter typed advance time. Enemy attack timer goes down per letter, and when a party member is on cooldown, each letter takes away a segment of cooldown. This slows it down so you can think and you can actually look at your list of attacks, providing more "strategy". Turn based was a band-aid to finish the game because I don't think the combat is good overall. I will say its mainly because the moves all kind of suck too. idk none of them felt really good to use, but maybe there are cooler moves i didnt unlock even though i beat the game! Maybe if I could get memory words faster, combat would be better, but even then combat just woudlnt be fun until "late game" so it seems not very good.

Then the other part of this game besides combat is the mystery object and riddles and boy FUCK do I hate word puzzles. I didn't think this game would be so full of them, so fuck me i guess. Im just not good at them. I can't solve riddles, and I cant remember words when I need to. Then it just pisses me off like really bad man. If you like word puzzles you might be happier than I!

Also, there is a card game in this, and I also think it sucks. Maybe thats just me not understanding how I should play it, or not understanding how to build a deck, but you dont get a lot of cards to even build one. Most cards you get from beating opponents, but you have to beat them with your crap cards.

The card game has you draw 4 cards, and a whole row of random letters (maybe like 20ish?). You pick 2 letters at a time, and if any of the letters are in the name of the cards in your hand, you deal damage. If you get all the letters in a card's name, its effect will happen. You can also skip your turn to mulligan your letters. This is heavily reliant on you actually getting letters you can fucking use in your hand, which I barely ever had. From what I could piece is that deckbuilding would revolve around either picking cards with a variety of letters so you can have more letters that are useful, or cards with a small variety so letters do more damage per pick. Again, you don't really get a lot of cards to do either of these I feel. Maybe I just fundamentally did not understand this card game, but I dont think its very fun at all.

Mainly just every mechanic frustrated me and it just did not gel with me, im sad it didnt, but oh well.

Crazy fucking roster of lesser known shonen on here, along with fucking classics of the genre. Fucking Get Backers and Law of Ueki made me go "Holy shit". I can't really get a lot out of this being only in Japanese sadly.

Love the UI and shit, and seems to have some good faith to Rave, but its just one of those 3D fighter party games. Kind of weird all the weapons and powers are just drops from boxes that you pick up, but whatever. Intro is awesome.

Super pretty, impressive visuals, but as I am already agreeing with every other review, this game sucks to play.

I went to Wasteland 3 after I attempted to play Wastleland 2 and had no idea what I was doing and then it just drops me in the game and tells me to "Go." Well, i took a few steps and decided it was too much and quit. Now I know im probably being extremely silly about that, but I just decided to go to 3 and boy wow. It just has a whole intro sequence that teaches you some of the ropes of what you're doing and what your goal is. Really shows me how good onboarding is in games and how much I can't really tolerate having none.

Wasteland 3 is what I what from CRPG's, which is grid based tactics combat. I tried to play Tyranny a little bit ago too and I got to the first combat and immediately quit. I really do not want to do party based real time combat isometrically, there is just too much shit to think about. Even if those games have pause, I can't really stand it if it isn't only turn based. The tactics is fun (not the funnest of the ones I've played but is still a good system).

I really like the choices and shit in this game because I really didn't know what is the "right" choice and kind of fumbled the whole thing at the end. Like New Vegas for example, the Legion is like obviously bad and terrible, and all the other choices are pretty "Clear cut" to me. The choices in this game really didn't feel that way to me. You are coming to Colorado to help The Patriarch with his problems, then he will send you home with a supply chain to help your kin back in Arizona (who desperately need supplies). Along the way you can learn of the bad things this guy does to keep a decently civilized kingdom in this brutal post-apocolyptic world and turn against him. It's just like, do you try to take this guy down in attempts to make something better, when its probably pretty damn good for whats going on in the world right now. Do you sacrifice the lives of your people back home for the people here? I think this game has a lot of things you need to think about in the long term and while small term choices may feel morally good, might end up fucking the region in the long run. Like I said, I basically fumbled it all up in the end cause I was trying to play nice a little, but I wasn't thinking about what doing what I did would do in the long term.

I do think this game has a little problem with its mixture of custom built XCOM-like party members and real companions that are characters. You make 2 custom characters at the start, these are your OC's, then once you get settled into HQ, you get a companion, and the ability to recruit 2 more rangers to your team. You can hold 6 controllable party members at once, 4 rangers max, and 2 extra companion slots. I think you want your party full as quick as possible, so you are gonna take 2 custom built rangers to fill out spots in your team you dont have covered. Later you will meet other companions to recruit, but I found that I coudln't really replace anyone on my team because the new companion's stats didnt't 1:1 replace who I had already. I had someone who had high assault rifle skill, and high stealth, but I met someone who had assault rifle with no stealth, but stats my other characters had, so why would I put him in tacticly? This really sucked when there is a companion that is basically critical for end game missions, but I didn't take him because I already had someone who did what he did, so he got pissy at me about it. This could be alleviated on repeat play throughs because you could build your early team around inviting these people later, but on a first one its rough not to enjoy the companions.

You can get more people in your squad though, but you can't control them and they do their own thing. I found this very enjoyable to have a whole extra 6 "pets" following me around by the end game. I also enjoyed the use of licensed music in this games, and most of them are used as battle themes! It's part folk songs akin to O Brother, Where art thou, part good ol' American partiotism songs, and part 80's pop. They are all covers so they fit, but they are used really well, at least I wouldn't expect a fucking battle theme with lyrics in a CRPG.

Also this game has some "first person" dialogue cutscenes where they have whoever you are talking to move around and are animated. I really like these scenes and it gives me a good view of how these characters are.
Liberty Buchanan... my goodness gets the vapours and fans myself.

Overall I think its a fun time, good combat, good exploration with uses for your skills, and good decisions.

Steelrising definitely surprised me in that it feels very competent as a soulslike. The gameplay isn't bad, it has some jank to it, but it's definitely better than some in this genre. I however found it very uninteresting, despite soulslike being a "comfort genre". I just really don't find the late 1700's (with robots) a place I want to explore. The first area was cool, a vibrant garden with a hedgemaze, but once you get to Paris its just 1700's wood and stone buildings. I didn't really see anything fantastical so like 🤷‍♀️. I also found the bosses to be annoying, not like bad, but annoying.

Also the game had a really bad frame rate for me. I had to turn the graphics down all the way and it still was choppy.

It's a click and point game where most of what you do is gathering materials/gaining gold all for the purpose of bartering/getting other materials you really need. It has a pretty basic RPG story of saving your sister from pirates, but its pretty chill and comfy. Felt like I found a dope ass flash game and just got lost in it.

Same as the first game, but with outdoor maps and some more variety of vehicles. Still has the best looking hot wheels fidelity wise, like they look soooo fucking good man; but also still fairly sauceless and fine besides that.

Been wanting to replay this and realized they released this shit on Steam and GOG earlier this year, so of course I had to cop it. Had this game as a kid (and i still have the physical CD!) and I loved playing it (even though I think I only played the first couple levels mainly). Still love playing it! This type of Frogger game play (they call it "avoid-em-up" in the Steam description lol) is awesome and I wish more fucking games did it!!! Love the level themes, the vibes, the music; all dope.

I think this game has immaculate super vibes, the art style is dope, the music really Fucking works with the visuals, and the designs are awesome. The dialogue also fucking rules I think. When that like "twisted" fantasy shit pops off good, it is a sure fire fucking home run man. I kind of miss the mystical twisted fantasy that we abundant in the 2000's (at least I cant remember any newer shit with this aesthetic).

However I got lost and the game doesn't feel good so sadly its over.

It had everything I wanted (Silly Bandz)

Elder Scrolls Blades could be "fun" I think if it wasn't for the fact it has wait times to build shit and premium currency to skip these times. The loop of being sent on little missions to get loot and then use that loot to build the town seems fine enough. The missions are short and extremely simple, and there are secrets to find (sort of like a doom level), except every interractable item glows so you can find the secret levers very very easy.

This does take the loot of Elder Scrolls and turn it into piss because they "needed" to make it have descriptors like "Fire Hide Helmet" or epic/rare versions of Hide Helmets. Elder Scrolls doesn't need that shit if they EVER add that to mainline Bethesda games.... God save our souls...

Also the touchscreen controls suck. Moving in a 3D space with the virtual thumbstick AND moving camera by swiping sucks. You can tap the screen to move somewhere, but it doesnt feel like it understands what you want to do so it sucks.

Like I do think what this game's basic concept is could be dope, but its designed to be a free mobile game, so it has free mobile game bullshit.