Still as unbelievably good as it was six years ago :)

Whoever was in charge of that wiring puzzle is a fucking psychopath.

Enjoyed my time playing as the titular character, "Batman", beating up thugs and collecting novelty question mark shaped trophies in various vents.

Played up until Phase 4, not doing that shit.

Probably the best worldbuilding in any game ever? At least, nothing I've ever played has drenched me in a world as effectively as this.

So beautiful and charming and full to bursting with character, and yet it's somehow a complete slog to play. Wears its inspirations of its sleeves so much it literally has Hayao Miyazaki as an NPC and yet it seems to miss the core of what makes the things it admires so much so memorable.

So often the joke is just "lmao we're wasting your time, isn't that funny? Here's a stack of papers, do a boring minigame while we play some of the most aggressively unfunny dialogue on the planet in the background. Once you're done with that minute straight of sorting papers and listening to dialogue that is entirely set ups with no pay offs, have another stack of papers to sort. And another stack. Fuck you. You actually want to play our game? Fuck off."

I think the concept is great and the execution on the gameplay side is decent enough but fuck me if there isn't a better word to describe playing this than "misery". Make a joke for fuck sake, deliver a punchline, stop just giving the pretence that something funny is happening without actually being funny.

Rick and Morty is good because it has jokes in it. This doesn't.

Don't get me wrong I fuck with LEGO® Batman™ 2: DC© Super Heroes as much as the next guy, but I do think it's a massive shame that the main LEGO games barely incorporate building stuff into the gameplay loop. Yeah Harry Potter or Chase McCain or Batman get to wiggle their arms a bit and summon an entire shelving unit into existence but I don't do jack shit! I want to build something, I want to be creative, I want to have a minigame where the batmobile breaks down and I have to reassemble the engine from a set of instructions.

I haven't played a new LEGO game in like 7 years so I don't know, maybe LEGO engine maintenance is a thing now. I know they tried to make a LEGO Minecraft clone a couple years ago and it looked like shit. I guess the technology for emulating the full LEGO experience wasn't there yet...

I'm rambling but point is, I thought this was really cool. The most authentically LEGO 'LEGO Game' I've ever played. Made me feel like a little kid snapping together my LEGO Creator 3 in 1 house all over again, and I didn't even have to take out a mortgage to afford all the pieces!

A lot of what this does is fucking genius but the way it uses fonts to portray someone's culture, accent or tone is pure distilled captial G Genius.

There's a bit where you're talking to this farmer and he starts talking with this hard to read, messy handwriting because, y'know, he's a farmer, he's got a thick accent, the font represents that. Then in some throwaway line of dialogue he mentions that he's actually quite well read and suddenly the font changes to this beautiful script, as if the guy writing the text also got to that line in the book at the same point you did and hurriedly tried to correct himself.

And it does this a ton, playing with something as simple as font choice to give these character interactions so much more "character". If you're talking to someone who speaks another language, it prints the original first, then scrubs it out, and then prints it in english. If someone's angry, the entire text box shakes, or the ink splatters across the page. If someone's whispering, the text is miniscule. The town printer firsts speaks in printer press blocks, which then pull away to reveal the printed text underneath. It's a fucking genius way to make up for the lack of voice acting, it's not just text, it's text with a personality and culture attached.

Pentiment is so good because everything has this amount of thought and care put into it. It's a game about history that revels in the details. It's a game about art that is full of gorgeous, culture specific, time period accurate art. It's a game about making hard choices with limited information, and forcing you to live with the consequences of those choices. It's a game about a village, the ways it evolves and changes through the ages, and the impact you can have on it. Absolutely adore this game.

There's sporadic pieces here I really like; being a porter travelling through harsh environments sounds like a really cool video game (and in places it is), the story stuff (when it gets weird) is fun, piss grenades is a masterful concept. But it's also really really fucking boring, well beyond the inherent level you'd expect from the "postman video game" pitch. It's like its been meticulously designed to bore you to death as much as possible, with clunky menu after quick time event after dropped package after terrible boss fight after baby shake minigame. Every time a BT encounter showed up it felt like a punch line: I was just starting to relax a bit and enjoy the hike and then boom, world's shittiest stealth section, kill me.

The "postman delivering packages across harsh environments (and it's also a fun video game)" concept remains untapped, hopefully we'll get a good one before the world implodes or melts or freezes over.

This review contains spoilers

It's great, obviously. The storytelling, world design, animation work, performances, fucking brilliant, all of it. Absolutely love what they did with Thor, amazed that they managed to get the comic relief dwarf boys to be some of the most compelling characters in the whole game, and Odin is a treat to watch; he's like a scooby doo villain, he's great.

There's chunks in here I don't like: I think Atreus's solo sections are boring as shit. They're not Mary Jane in Spider-Man levels of sleep inducing, but I bought the game to play the dude with the cool axe and blades, not the guy with a bow that never feels remotely powerful. I get why they're here but I'd be lying if I didn't groan every single time one showed up.

There's bits of writing (mainly in the middle) that are so contrived it's laughable. The original had the same problem with Atreus randomly becoming evil for about 10 minutes just to further the plot; here he's making the dumbest fucking decisions known to man just to further the plot. There's teenage rebellion and then there's using teenage rebellion as an excuse to write a character with no logic.

I also don't like the spear. It's shit.

Very much enjoyed my time with this video game. Will maybe even say it was worth £70. Maybe.

now i want a thor video game

It's a crime that it took me this long to get around to this.