this update finally answers my biggest question
what if sonic frontiers was dogshit?
thank you sonic team!

when sindel said "MK12_148_154, 11" i cried. truly an emotionally gripping moment.

when i got the rolling ball ability i used it to dodge some enemies early on, and i said "fuck it we ball" when i did, so my brother responds by yelling in murray's voice "SLY IS FUCKING BALLIN!!"

bro why is everyone so THIRSTY for mario???

I fucking ADORED this game. Playing this game there was not a single moment I wasn’t having fun. The story is nowhere near the level of stuff like Path of Radiance or other better JRPG stories in terms of quality, but it’s an anniversary game, so I’m okay with it being some self aware anime bullshit, hell I relish in that kind of storytelling as a kingdom hearts fan. There’s only a few duds in terms of map design, the game is just straight up tons of fun and I recommend it to anybody.

that wasn't some good ass tekken, that was BEAUTIFUL ASS TEKKEN

This was so much better than I thought it’d be. The music slaps, the characters and story, while simple, are effective and very endearing (Korsica my beloved). I may not be very good at this game, but I had an amazing time playing it.

grandma gertie the kind of grandma to start chanting "SOMEBODY GETTIN FUUUUUUCKED"

Me personally, I didn't like this game all that much. The story was... fine, I didn't care for anyone besides Melia honestly. The sidequests all kind of sucked. The combat, is confusing and I never understood how people liked it. It feels clunky and boring a lot of the time. And when it's not boring, it's infuriating because I'm wondering what I did wrong. Exploring the world by itself though is one of those simple pleasures, the game looks nice on switch, the music rocks my socks off, and the voice acting is superb. It's one of those games I don't like, but if you like it, love it even, then I'm glad you do.

dr light makes own child commit suicide several times in order to shoot fireballs out of his hands but god forbid he has the common cold he can't do it

To keep it short, this is quite literally the best video game I've ever played. Everything from how impressively well it runs on switch, to the engaging, fun combat, lovable characters, amazing story, beautiful music that stays in your head and enhances the atmosphere of every cutscene. SO IF YOU'RE NOT A FAN OF THE WORDS "PEAK FICTION", "GOAT", "RAW", "FIRE", STOP READING NOW IDK WHAT TO TELL YOU.

there is no joke. please play this game. thank you and goodnight.

this is where i'd quote the funny infinite meme but i am morally obligated as a woman with white skin to not quote it

I'm just... wow this was incredible. It took everything that made the original game great, removed most if not all of the bad things, and then just cranked it all up to a hundred. Play this, I implore you.