love is in the air? WRONG. 90s fighting game AI

this is one of the games of all time

fuck original gen 1 you nostalgia blind bitches.

I hope me being so flabbergasted at how good something is doesn't become a running theme. I like making joke reviews. Okay umm.. rinwell has an owl so as an owl house fan I'm obliged to like her. ...yeah I've got nothing. fuck.

hell is full bcuz ur mom died last night

I was so caught off guard by how much I loved this that.. I don't even have a joke prepared. Feels like I get flabbergasted pretty easily LOL

grandma gertie the kind of grandma to start chanting "SOMEBODY GETTIN FUUUUUUCKED"

still better than anything the MCU has done in the past 3 years

I was hoping I'd like it more, but alas I think the old school metal gear games before solid just aren't for me

I can at least give the MSX version credit for being well made and if it weren't for the janky feeling controls and awful checkpoint system I would've liked it more and finished it.

never said I HAVE to beat every game if I don't like it.

smithy really said "I'm gonna waste like forty five minutes of your time and there's nothing you can do about it" and I would like to fucking kill him for that

simon's theme kicked in near the end of the final boss like a fuckin shonen anime and honestly I'm here for it