This game would be 10x better if it had Ape Escape 3's quick select. The Japanese release had it and they removed it!!! Why????

Anyway, I like it a over Ape Escape. The monkeys are very charming and the levels are fun. The only thing that is definitely worse is the MUSIC.


Wowie, this game is so much better than Duke Nukem 3D!

Wow! This game really IS that bad!

Lucia's side of the game is like 25% more fun than Dante's, so there's that I guess?

Maybe??? I'll come back to it but I was super disappointed to find that I don't really jive with this game at all. Oh well! I could see me enjoying this if it weren't in an open world so maybe I'll check out the other titles.

Shelving for now but the game is definitely a good time.

The gameplay is interesting, but is EXPLOSIVELY slow.

Writing is extremely dull. Will one day see this game through to the end, but for now, there's many other games I'd rather spend this time investment on.

This game was extremely dull and repetitive, even by Castlevania standards. I just can't drum up enough excitement to play anymore of it. Music is decent and as always the art and aesthetic is great.

In a lot of ways, Enter the Gungeon greatly expands and improves upon what can be found in Nuclear Throne, but, over time, I've learned to appreciate more stripped back roguelites.

This game is tightly designed and feels deliciously good to play.

The best rhythm game since Guitar Hero! And actually great for making "working out" fun if you put your all into it.

VR Chat is a very... interesting experience. I think it's worth it for anyone with the gear to try it at least once. You might even strike up an interesting conversation or two. At the very least, it's deliciously fascinating to watch weirdos and socially inept people interact with each other.

Also, there is no circumstance in which a child should be allowed to participate in VR Chat.

Similar to other reviewers, I am really not big into MMOs at all! However, unlike the other reviewers, my love for SMT WAS able outshine that hatred for stereotypical MMO grindey gameplay.

If you love SMT, there's enough here to appreciate to keep you going for a good couple dozen hours. I did not finish the mainline quest yet, but I do plan to return one day and see it through to the end.

Plus, this game allows you to select any demon to follow you around, like it's Pokemon. That's rad!

It's amazing that a game as blatantly unfinished as DMC4 can still manage to be so damn good. Bloody Palace is delicious.

This game's Mercenaries mode is 5/5 and the campaign in 0/5 so this averages the game out to 2.5/5. Absolutely worth purchasing if you love Mercenaries.

This game is more Doom than Doom (2016). This game is better than Doom 2. That's all.


I can only see this game getting some 1-3 star reviews based on people not being good at one of the various games Osu offers.

It has it's issues, but Osu provides a whole lot of content and fun for free. Definitely worth installing for anyone even remotely interested in rhythm games.

After finishing THPS2, I was a tad concerned to play this game as I didnt really like the levels from THPS2.

Luckily, THPS3 levels are nearly all fantastic. The added combo extension mechanic makes the game flow a lot better, though it's such shame sticker slaps weren't introduced here.

Overall a great time. Will be grinding for 100%.