This is perhaps the most meh games of all time. It's enough to keep your attention during play, but is completely forgettable.

This game has plenty of network connection and infrastructure issues, but is still a damn great game that I've sunk thousands of hours into.

This game and series deserve so much more than it got. The Darkness 2 is still my personal favorite FPS combat system. They were truly on to something with the combat.

The story is pretty good, but it doesn't particularly leave a lasting impression.

I would die to see The Darkness 3. A game that expands upon this game's combat with better enemy and level design could go down as one of the best first person shooters of all time.

Play Yakuza 0 before playing this or the original. Half of the motivations of the characters in this game would not make sense had I not played through 0 first.

This game has a lot of frustrating segments, but I do believe this is the better experience for playing the first game than the PS2 original. Yakuza 2 holds up much better if you wanted to then go in order of release.

This game completely outclasses the first game in every way imaginable. They're both some of the greatest games of all time. If you dislike this game and played it exclusively with a controller, retry with a M+K. HM1 can be comfortably played with a controller, I do not think the same of this game.

Imagine: a melee combat system that exceeds the complex perfection of Resident Evil 4's shooter combat. A stupidly splendid cast and story. Extremely low quality environmental art.

Imagine no further. Play God Hand.

This game is a really breezy, great time and I think it's pretty timeless honestly. Also its creator is a cool guy who has made splendid Game Maker tutorials. Play Gunpoint!

I played this game in 2017 and it changed my life. Simply perfection. I would let Shinji Mikami raise my children. He'd slowly refine them into perfection. Thanks Mr. Mikami!!!

Man this game is so fucking good. Soooooo fucking good man. It's nearly perfect. The vibes are immaculate. It's got a hard shell, but dig deep and you find a creamy gushy core that you won't want to stop gulping down on.

Thanks Mikami-sama, another smash hit!

Dude this game is so sick. My favorite old Doom game. Art is so good.

This game sucks but it's kind of ok because it's within the framework of Doom. The levels really suck though.


Was really shocked to come back to the classic Doom games in 2022. Doom is simply fantastic. Here's a bonus: it's really fun in VR as well, try it sometime!