I was within the age bracket where my Tony Hawk experience began with the Underground games.

I chose 2x because after booting up the OG THPS, I decided that I could handle no walking, but I absolutely could not handle no manuals. Maybe I'll come back to it some day.

From my understanding, the THPS2 portion of this "collection" is unchanged from the original, outside of visuals.

I'm not a huge fan of the THPS2 levels, honestly. Really love the THPS1 ones, but they suffer from the Big Drop mechanic.

This is definitely worth playing if you're looking to experience THPS1 and 2 in a slightly more updated form.

It's more Crazy Taxi, which means it's more fun. I'm a huge fan of the jump mechanic, although I think the levels are just a teensy bit worse than the original game's. Definitely worth playing if you enjoy the original.

I was pleasantly surprised by Little Misfortune. It's cutesy writing can be a tad overboard sometimes, but overall, it's captivating enough for it's short length.

Hating Minecraft is very lame.

Bland level design. I don't know what else to say other than I was bored throughout my 3 hours of playtime. Sorry!

A lot of this game truly is just trying to find the one patch of portal-able wall. The loss of the original's tight focus caused immeasurable damage to my experience.

This game is simply not for me.

This is the ultimate culmination of the Tony Hawk franchise. Really fun and unique story mode. Great game overall, checkout THUGPro!

I drunkenly played this game with a friend at 3am, and even then, it was completely irredeemable. Not fun to play, not fun to laugh at. Just bad. Don't waste your time.

This is the best feeling platformer of all time.

Yeah. This game is good. Yeah.

I wish the chuds that really love this game lost their ability to speak so that I wouldn't be embarassed that I really love this game too

A nearly flawless arcade experience. The depth kept revealing it's self until I had to put my foot down and decide that I can't devote any more time to this game without doing research and practicing complex techniques.

Will be a game I return to for the rest of my life for some fun.

I'm of the unironic, honest-to-god opinion that 2D Sonic has never been good. Sorry team.

This game just didn't have the GTA magic I'm used to. I could never come up with a main cast of characters as unlikeable as this trio are.