Metroid Fusion is an odd one. I can appreciate the more linear structure it takes, I just wish it didn't feel so formulaic up until the last little bit.

This game is peak sprite art IMO. The colors are beautiful, areas are distinct, key information is always at the forefront.

I love the bosses, boss designs, and boss patterns. I really appreciate that most bosses are pretty pitiful, health-wise. Once you've figured out how to win, it's pretty easy to execute on.

Ya know... Everyone loves to talk about the SA-X. It's really cool, kinda eerie, but I dunno, I felt like a little more could have been done with it.

I'm looking forward to playing a more standard Metroid game with this games fluidity in Metroid: Zero Mission.

I got what I was expecting: a really fun arcade racer with an all-timer OST.

I also literally cried at one of the little stories and I truly can say I was not in any way expecting that.

I played the (much better looking) DS version.

Chinatown Wars is a pleasant surprise. Lots of fun mission ideas, the world looks beautiful, and the game feels great. There's some iffy 2009 dialogue but otherwise has some funny moments. I really enjoyed Huang. The touchscreen gimmicks were also a joy to play with.

Makes me sad that modern mobile gaming is now so advanced that we'd never get a game like this these days. Chinatown Wars is itching for some kind of follow up (with twin stick or M+K controls, first and foremost)

I have nothing to say about World Tour because I simply am not playing SF for it.

I adore Street Fighter V with all my being and this game seems to be a nice bridge between new and old. I have petty issues with the game, but all in all, there's a lot here to love and I look forward to them refining this game over time.

I dunno maybe there's a pretentious and cool reasons everyone loves Aria of Sorrow but Dawn of Sorrow takes the cake for me.

It feels so good to play. The souls are more fun than last time, areas are memorable, enemies are mostly fun. I actually even half-way gave a shit about the story this time around.

Dawn of Sorrow is a real stand out for me in terms of boss battles though. Each one looked sick and had a fun pattern to figure out. The final boss battle looks stunning but is not actually very fun or interesting to fight.

This is probably my favorite Castlevania game so far! I can't wait to check out the other DS entries.


Dusk is dangerously close to being some next level shit, but all in all is still an excellent classic-shooter.

I love the environments and lighting. Weapons for the most part feel good. Theres enough enemy variety and level style variety to keep your interest for it's run.

I wish the enemies looked like 20% less dorky and I wish there were a few cooler weapons. Play Dusk.

This game has a really fun idea for combat but there simply isn't enough meat in terms of enemy and level design to really maximize it's potential.

The game feels frustratingly obtuse until you realize that you're supposed to just run around and pile up enemies to actually damage the bosses. Then it becomes kinda lame. The visuals and vibes are worth putting up with though.

I gave it 2 hours and I just can't do it. This game just kinda puts me to sleep. Its a game that innately makes me unhappy to look at.

Really great idea with some tedious sections. Shame there's no follow up that expands on this idea further.

Between the horrendously ugly stage and annoying pattern, the final boss is a tedious slog. Still worth checking out.

Soma can equip the power of gun.

I really like to give games a chance nowadays. It really takes a lot to get added to my "Abandoned" list in a matter of 30 minutes.

The fact that a group of humans heard this games writing and dialogue frequency and decided it was good enough to show other people is horrifying and may be a sign of the end of times.

Goodbye Shadow Warrior 3.

American Wasteland is a funny little game. It's tiny additions make for my favorite movement feel in the series.

This game, at its best, feels like a weird AAA skateboarding-based Charles Barkley Shut Up and Jam Gaiden. There's a lot of stupid fun.

The missions in the story mode are basically all misses. There are so many missions with no substance. There are a few frustrating missions, and some have odd restart points.

There's also the matter of early 2000s casual racism. Also, they don't let you create a female skater, and the only reason I could possibly think of why that is, is because you kiss a girl at the end of the story mode, which is gross, because Mindy is totally not straight.

Overall, it's a good time! A lot of the levels at night have a ridiculous vibe, even on the PS2 version, which is how I played the game.


I think I'll need to experience this game in VR for the full effect. The vibes are immaculate but I find the game itself to be... kinda boring man. The gameplay is not fun enough for me to want to 100% all the levels for level 5. It kinda fails as an arcade experience for me. I'll revisit it one day I'm sure.

This is literally the third full remake of the first 2 THPS games bundled together. THPS came so far after these first 2 games and it's a shame that all Activision can think to do is remake the worst 2 of the good Tony Hawk games.

It's a fine enough remake but I dunno, wish there was something more to it.

Well I thought I'd like this game more than I do. Maybe the other 2 will improve on things. Immaculate vibes. Sometimes frustrating. A good enough time but honestly nothing too memorable.