I played this game at 2 in the morning while my brother was throwing a inconsiderate party in the adjacent room. It was a religious experience, I felt connected, I felt little, and I felt important. I felt taken care of, and I felt kind.

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Celeste is another game I decided I had to play because I had heard its music before, which apparently is a massive indicative for a good game. It is visually beautiful, very responsive and fun to control, I really loved it.

I played this game when we still had movility restrictions limited to the neighborhood, the christmas that everyone stayed at their own home. I wasn't as present on Discord as before, but after going on my phone to remind the people Iove that I do, Dani and I hoped in Discord and I believe this is one of the games we played.

I loved the depiction of mental health problems, the natural way in which Theo talks about it, and the sincere dialogue between Madeline and the other part of her. At first it sounds artificial, forced or cheesy, but after not a lot of thinking I realized it's just genuine talk.

Trans rights.

In this game the simple act of being around the map is something I already enjoyed so much.

At first I was a little overwhelmed by all the paths I could take and all the things to do, but I decided to turn the shrine detector off, and just pick the path that felt more interesting at any given time. That made it for me, I ended up manually checking every corner, talking to every character and doing every shrine and side quest. The only thing I didn't complete was the koroks.

It's such an incredible game, all the music is art, the colors and textures and animations simply make me happy to witness. The world is full and the things to do fun, entertaining and varied.

I ended up knowing the map completely, I could orient myself in seconds, and I happily journeyed through the same place time after time because I was doing the things as my interest peaked, instead of doing the things that were closer by.

This is one of the few games I have played with my partner backseating me, and it is a fond memory for both of us.

It is just as I imagined when they announced it, I adore the concept, but it has some little technical problems like softlocks, geometries with frustrating collisions, and the coyote time also feels slightly wonky. I liked it enough to consider doing the time challenges or even fantasize with speedrunning it, but those things deterred me and I think I will leave it alone having beaten it.

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This was my happiness during lockdown. I remember I decided to pick this game up because of the soundtrack, which spotify had recommended me and I was thoroughly enjoying. Then when I started playing the music just gained a whole new meaning. I was completely transported while playing this game.

I loved everything in this game, the dialogs, the little sounds for the dialogs, the fights, the art, the music, the levels, the way new areas unlock, the mysterious lore, the characters, the way you scribble in the map when sitting in a bench to update it, and probably many more things that don't come to mind.

I enjoy exploring very much and this game provided me beautifully on that side. Also I have very poor control over the strength I use when pressing buttons on a controller, and I ended up with a bruise in the tip of my right thumb, specially thanks to the trial of the fool.

When I look back at the time of lockdown, I remember sharing whole days with friends on Discord, playing the trumpet every day, but specially, even tho I just played this game for 2 weeks, I remember Hollow knight, and I remember being happy.

This is the third game I played on my laptop after a friend explained to me what Steam was when I was 18 years old. I fell in love with videogames all over again. I used to play videogames when I was little, but once in high school and following that, I progressively detached from them, understanding them as a bad vice, as a childish undesirable activity, or at best a fun little thing to do with friends every once in a while.

The game is mostly just dialog and puzzles, and they are all genius. The whole experience was a trip through the platonic idea of beauty. This just threw me over the cliff and into the sea of art that is the medium of videogames. I would end up 6 months later spending all the money I had saved on a PC tower, and less than two years later I would try to go into videogame development.


Incredible experience, all compressed in such a short format. The music is a huge point in this game, and paired with the fights that felt fine tuned and satisfying to figure out, I ended up completely flowing with the game.

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I anticipated this game a lot, followed the development closely and I played it within the first week of its release.

I find the setting and the concept fascinating, mental illness in ancient times. The representation felt empowering and also illuminating. Going through the story was a profound journey for me. There was one stage where everything is dark, and you have to guide yourself through sound, it blew my mind.

About the development, I liked the idea the studio had to make a highly polished game with realist art, but that was rather short for it to make sense for their team size. At the time there was a lot of importance in measuring the bucks per hour of a game, and I was very interested in games that didn't promise you endless hours, instead just a story that made sense.

I just find it so very ugly, can't keep playing it. Also, I think that the hook of this game is the synergies, which come too slowly and are too simple for me after playing so much mtg.

When I was little I played this game so many times. I think when I got it I beat it 10 times in a row before playing any other game in between, and many more times after that. The story was so good and funny, and the amount of things to do very enjoyable. For comparison, the first game for me was a little rough to the point that I don't think I actualy beat the final boss ever, and the third game felt way too short.

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I loved it so much, but it left me wanting more in some way, unsatisfied for some reason. I am undecided if that is part of its charm or a defect.

About what I liked from the game, finding Pothead around the game always made me so happy and took videos to show my partner. The visual art is so satisfying to look at, the colors and the textures are so on point. And I forgot until I saw it in the game cover, but there is this character that is a squid controlling a fisherman's corpe, I loved that guy too.

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I played this game when I was 8 years old, it was just a random game that my mom thought looked fine and bought. I loved it. The story was funny, and mysterious and magical in a grounded way.

I remember finding the idea of building stuff like Violet fascinating, and having all that encyclopedic knowledge like Klaus so admirable. I now am a person who loves taking things apart and repairing them, and known among my friends as the one who probably knows the answer to whatever they are wondering.

It was such a good game for 8 year old me. I mostly remember little parts, like jumping over gaps with the flying shoes, or a part that took me many tries about shooting bad guys with a candy gun. But there is this one part where you need a string to build an artifact, and you have to get it from a piano. And the way you did that was by playing the piano so hard that it broke. Now I probably wouldn't find it hard to beat, but back then I couldn't get it, nor did my brother, so we asked help to our dad, who had played some games at some point and knew his way around a controller. He couldn't get it either, and I don't know how it came to be, but my mom ended up taking the controller, having never used one, and finally she was the one that cleaned that roadblock in the game for us. It is a big memory for the people in my house about doing something together.

I believe I had to do the same big task four or five times, and after two or three of them I had enough of the game. They were rather simple processes that were really overused, it felt like having too much cheap ice cream.

I first played this game when I had a friend stay at my place for a weekend, we went out during the day and played this game into the ground during the night until 3 or 4 in the morning.

Since then I have played it with so many other people, I have probably beaten it 5 times by now. It is not a game for everyone, it can get frustrating and if you don't maintain your cool or don't know how to tread when others lose theirs, it can suck. But trusting you can maintain a fun enviroment and enjoying the challenge of comunication, it is an awesome game. Extra points when I play with other people who also worked on food service.

Very funny, very simple mechanics, yet extremely interesting challenges on each level.