This is the Assassin's Creed: The Movie of Assassin's Creed games, i.e., I don't get why it even exists.

This is the good one but boy, they really hit you with that ending and then tucked the only explanation away in a DLC campaign nobody ever played huh.

Parts of this game's story are Really Good. The way Altair's relationship with Al Mualim develops throughout is extremely well written and engaging, and the mystery of what these evil future scientists want with you is an effective hook. But oh my goddamn god the gameplay is BOOOOOORING, you just do the same shit over and over while listening to the same three street preacher speeches for hours on end. Play this game's extremely flabby middle section for 5 minutes and then think about how it spawned one of the most successful game series of all time and tell me you don't wanna walk into the sea.

Like its 2016 predecessor, Hitman 2 is a dogshit stealth/action game but a very good puzzle game. I think this crop of missions are largely better than the first game's. It approaches that same level of frustrating obtuseness in the Ark Society mission, but nothing in here is as bad as the Colorado mission from 1. It feels really good to pull off a scheme without a hitch, and the feeling of mastery you get from replaying missions is palpable enough to outweigh any minor nitpicks and my own misgivings about the games-as-a-service model this trilogy is going for.

Hooga booga, listen: I know this game is good, good as hell, crazily good, good as balls. But idk it might just not be for me. Metroidvanias kinda stress me out and overwhelm me, and the feeling of disorientation doesn't quite complement the punishing difficulty for me. Makes it more difficult to appreciate the incredible music and art and atmosphere when I'm constantly checking the map and dying and worrying about what's around the next corner. Maybe I'll pick it up again but given what I've heard about how buttass hard the true ending is I might never finish it.

Oh so you patch out the black hole glitch but you keep Bowser's Big Bean Burrito in the game? I see how it is.

Five stars for the robust concept and execution as well as the immense creativity and skill of the community. Half a star for Nintendo's downright insultingly bad community management. Averages out to The Middle Amount Of Stars, folks.

This game caused me to pace around the living room talking to myself while playing it so you know it's good babey!!!

The way this game opens up as you go along is so goddamn good and much easier for me to appreciate as an adult. The early sections are really linear, as are the dungeons. You're being led around by your boat dad on a cut and dry quest, but by the end you're freed up to explore the entire world to find the Triforce and earn your place as the new Hero. Chef kiss! Wahoo!!!!

The HD version gets a full 5 stars from me, but even if this original version has been made obsolete, I still love it. The big improvement the HD version made was the ability to move while aiming which makes the Puppet Ganon less of a crapshoot nightmare.

I can't help it. I was born stupid.

Gotta give props to this game for setting out the Zelda template, but some parts, especially late game, are pretty obtuse and frustrating. I really hate Skull Woods, and that the last like 4 dungeons basically require magic potions to beat. I can see where Hidetaka Miyazaki drew influence in that regard, but coming at this game from a place of familiarity with its successors, it wound up being a somewhat alienating experience.

Bleh, it's fine but every time I've tried to play it I would get up to the point where you unlock settlement building tools and get overwhelmed. Not for me

Feel like shit, just want her back

Among Us Tuesdays

The thing about Assassin's Creed is that each game is only good if you played the previous game and thus have something stale to compare it to (and even that's not always true). Each one wears out its welcome in due course, but this one stands out because I still tell people proudly about the time I stun-locked the Pope while he was expositing at me about Ancient Aliens.