Good sequel to GVZ but too many sub classes which some of feel unbalanced. A map with various things to discover, blasting this with friends hits different. The missing playerbase never gave this game a fair chance. Nevertheless not a forgettable shooter.

This was unironically one of the best shooter of it’s time. It lacks a real single player but the different classes as well as fractions are fun to play.

A goof tower defence game. With some interesting options to go for while defending. It’s a lot of fun to play but lacks motivation for multiple playthroughs.

At some point in the zombie craze I thought I needed this. But it’s such a bland experience. Im pretty sure there is a target group, perhaps coop players with a big heart for zombie bashing. But I was left disappointed.

A game that is an old school gta, with many easter eggs. But I wish it had more depth or a more driven plot.

Oww boi look another Monster Hunter Game from Generation 4. And what a blast it is. We basically get MH4 with more monsters: returning classics such as Nargacuga, Barrioth, Barrot, Lagaiacrus as well as 4! New flagship monsters which will remain staples of the series. In addition we got new fighting styles and weapon arts to be able to change up the gameplay in various ways. One small thing for me personally is that due to being so humongous it kinda happens that you will face certain monsters already in low rank which is kinda odd, I also am not the biggest fan of the returning villages, I prefer the way 4U handled it. But nevertheless among the best switch games.

A fun endless runner of Pac-Man. I honestly have a lot of fun with it, unlocking and upgrading abilities and then try to get a new Highscore old style of gaming but effective for me.

I was very hyped for this game. Becoming a MGS fan over the years made me appreciate the legacy long story and development of the epic tactical adventure that is Metal Gear.. but the incomplete and kinda weak story, left out conclusions, and several little problems in the open world setting make my always a little sad about the outcome of the game. The multiplayer is a none factor for me. The open world stealth is top notch but Metal Gear used to be more for me. For me the weakest mainline MGS. But mechanically the best.

Monster Hunters jump into the fifth generation was a big step for the franchise, not that it basically became mainstream over night but also polishing the presentation to an absurd amount. The main game has not enough game for me and most new monsters cannot catch me except nergigante. Another big problem is the weapon design that apparently tries to go realistic. The main game just lacks content and a real endgame. The expansion iceborne fixes some of this, decent endgame, more classic monsters but it also does mistakes by adding the clutch claw and making it basically necessary to use in battle otherwise you just don’t do enough damage. Master rank was a good addition but I wish it would’ve been called G Rank.

This game used to be the best Facebook game. But nowadays it’s merely a game which will constantly give you pop ups to spend money… what an disappointment.

Marvel’s Spider-Man is an modern approach of superhero games with the most modern open world triple A designs. Swinging around the city, fighting the baddies and become the legend himself. There’s a specific 4th act or big boom missing for me personally but a good game. Can’t wait what insomniac will go from here.

Castlevania is a masterpiece. I didn’t grew up with it nor was it my first metroidvania, but the sheer impact this game made for me is special. The sprite work, the sound design, the controls, the map and the upgrades - it’s nearly delivering perfectly on all metroidvania aspects. I was even lucky to get my hand on a physical Ps4 version. What an amazing video game.

Pinball is such a blast to play. I really found my new love in pinball, learning new tables feels like a whole new game experience, I barely touched upon a few but I can’t wait to spend more time on this one. I would highly recommend since the first free table brings quality to test your devotion to virtual pinball. I wish they wold release a physical ^-^

W101 is my favourite Platinum game and perhaps my favourite character action game. It’s colourful has a deep fighting system which takes some time and fine tuning, but boooi I am always excited to play this again and hone my skills. Hard difficulty is fine but I’m working on the tougher missions now.
And man do I love the theme song.
🎼Danger's coming, looming large
So who's gonna make a stand?
One-hundred rangers are taking charge
The line is drawn in the sand
Knuckles crack
In two-hundred very different ways
But each and every one has got
The same thing to say...🎼

I like DS3 but I have my fair share of problems. But first things first. DS3 is the most polished Dark Souls title and the amount of quality especially the bosses were improved a lot adding many phases and very clever designed world map. Fast travel, and many more comfort additions make this game feels very fun in theory. My main problems are that these game resemble one another - duh.
But what I mean with that is the gameplay stagnation of the games. They add weapon arts which is just not enough for me personally. But what bothers me the most is the online game design as well as the community. Let me start by saying Im a fan of playing online for the inscription of other players it’s such a unique feature in modern gaming that makes me feel connected. But when kindled which you might want because of the extra hp, you will get invaded - all the time, you want to help out a friend or the other way around a person will come and kill you with annoying builds and tactics to ruin your day and also kindled is a result of using an consumable, finite. I tried many covenants to test if I can somehow change being invaded but I couldn’t find a reliable way. People might say get good, or play offline. But I have only so much time to invest in a game and also there a so many builds that most people won’t really make a one on one but rather just waste your time. I feel like this is a design choice that doesn’t respect the players time. And playing offline will cut away very unique features of the game. I wish you could actively kill a specific person in the map like in Bloodborne or would’ve have a way to make it coop-friendly like Nioh.