It’s a metriodvania-esc game. I think it’s well paced and occasionally I replay this. Very charming willd west steampunk style.

I love DQM, it’s so much fun breeding for a perfect team of monsters. I think this is the best game on the system. Always going for the gold slime ;)

What a ride, lovable cast, playing the party members first before joining with them is very interesting and well done.
I almost lost it when Sparkie appeared.
A very good game, but its to be expected from the franchise.

Game does story implications to the first games which is very cool, the Pokemon from previous generations are available earlier, the post game is a banger and on paper I’d say this is the number one.

The sprites and animations are peak Pokémon, the region and its Pokémon are in the main story fully original. It’s almost like experiencing Gen 1 from a new perspective. What and outstanding Pokemon game. I don't dig some designs but a team is easily built only issue is the lack of quality water Pokémon very uncommon in the series.

This was my reintroduction to Pokémon and I quite like it a lot. The amount of Pokemon to catch is amazing and Hoenn will always be very special. I personally don’t dig Pokémon models in 3d, and there is no Battle Frontier which would be dope. Nevertheless not regretting getting back in.

I like the pacing of this game a lot, mega evolutions are quite cool. I just feel like it’s too fast with it’s playtime, maybe just me. And having many returning Gen 1 Pokemon is always a plus.

This was my third attempt to get into this franchise and it worked. I adore this game to this day, monster selection is great: I love Gore Magala, Seregios, Seltas Queen, Tetsu, Zamtrio, Nercy, Kecha, Naraja and the returning classics made me aw, new comfort features are added. Everything is such a joy I love the quest-grind system, the story and its progression is fun. An absolute blast. I also have to give some love for the community: the way I was treated was amazing people would help and explain me various things such nice people.I think this is still may be myfavourite.

The controls just aren’t my type.

SMB is the granddaddy of jump n runs and does so many things great, and basically almost single-handedly saved the gaming industry. My problem’s are the scrolling of the levels, and being unable to return, the level design is limited, controls are slippery. Sounds are great and it’s still fun to play. There are just many games which improved upon this.

I like this game a lot, despite not digging the combat system. But its so good written, the characters live, and the story also comes to an satisfying ending. But the secret MVP has to be the Gwent mini game so addictive man.

The roster and content is quite impressive. I think this is my favourite musou game.

This is a 2d jump n run but I was so emotionally moved by it that I keep returning to this one because it deals with very serious themes like anxiety, self doubt and depression. The gameplay is so juicy I think this is for everyone this difficulty can be set. Made me feel relieved in the end and kinda happier overall so yeah climb that mountain.

These rhythmic dancing games are awesome, because the music in persona games is fire, here you have additional reason to burn my dread.

I dig this game somehow an old school 2d racing game, im pretty sure the controls are a main aspect I can play this but not the real old school ones.