Definitely one of the best in the Zelda series. While not my favorite one, it's undeniable that this is an amazing and wonderful game.
Open worlds are not really my type of game, I honestly prefer when they're mostly linear and story focused. But they really hit the nail with this one. The exploring is great! There's always something on the horizon to pick your interest, be it a nice looking mountain, the distant glown of a shrine or simply... a lonely standing tree. If you notice something 'odd' and take the time to investigate, most probably you'll be rewarded.
I wish the flashback memories were given through the game, after completing the divine beats, because I almost missed them! I completely forgot about this quest and just remembered to do it because a friend asked me if I liked them. You can imagine my surprise (I had completely forgot that they existed). And they were SO GOOD. I even teared up during 2 scenes.
I guess the only bad stuff I can say is that they kinda lost me with TOO MUCH to do on the map. I mean, do we REALLY need 900 koroks? Come on. And I also think that 120 shrines were a bit too much. (Did the shrines. Will NOT do the Koroks, no ma'am.)

This was a great adventure that will for sure stay in my memories, and make me want even more a mostly narrative driven zelda game.

* While I did not buy the DLC, 'cause I thought it wasn't worth the price, I did watch the memories scenes on youtube and they are GREAT. Please go watch them if you haven't!

Don’t get me wrong, I do love the psychological drama and when games decide to properly deal with themes like depression, suicide and mental issues. But this writing is just SO STUPID.
When they talked about what the main character went through at home, I have to give the game a break and say it was okay, could be better, but it wasn’t that bad. But that whole “I’m gonna kms because I have few twitter followers” was just dumb. It honestly feels like whoever wrote that never talked to a teen in their life. Kids today don’t kill themselves ‘cause of instagram followers. They do that ‘cause they have to deal with EXTREME bullying and no, that’s not just being called “dumb”, it’s actually having to deal with racism, xenophobia, homophobia and all that shit.

Even if I ignored the game’s plot, the gameplay is also so boring. Nothing wrong with walking and reading, as long as there are some pretty awesome stuff to walk through (PT my dear I miss u so much).

TLDR: boring walking simulator with a dumb plot and a cool monster design.

While this is a good game, it feels a bit like wasted potential, because it could be a GREAT game.
What attracted me to play it was the cutesy artstyle and the dark souls vibes, and on that point, the game delivers. The Lore also surprised me quite a bit, despite almost all of it being dumped on us right at the end of the game.
But when thinking about the gameplay itself... meh. Could be so much better. While I do value the simplicity of it, I think they exaggerated. It way too simple, and therefore, there's no real challenge to beating the bosses. The weapons also dissapointed me a bit, since they all play the same.

If you like metroidvanias and dark souls, you're gonna have fun playing this one!
Oh and if you liked Titan Souls, you MUST play this one through the end. You're in for a surprise.

Cute and fun!
It Takes Two went through a journey that I did not expect. I definitely expected a shorter game, but at the same time, I guess I expected more, since it won game of the year.
While the game has some wonderful moments with beautiful scenarios, the narrative didn't get me as much as it could. I wish they invested more in sentimental moments (just like a Pixar movie you know? Rip my heart out and whatnot).
But it's still a pretty solid game.

The cuckoo clock stage was SO PRETTY. Seriously, I was completely amazed.

So, did it deserve to win GOT? ehhhh maybe not.
But it is worth playing! Just maybe set your expectatives a bit lower.

(Played it with my dear friend and co-op pal, Bolt! We laughed a lot at the silliest moments possible.)

This was the first Zelda game I've ever played. I have fond memories of me and my mom playing together on my SNES when I was little, so I guess I expected a bit more from this one when I finally came back to play and finish it this time.
It has some nice mechanics but overall, it just didn't do much for me. I think I am now realizing that I don't like the 2d Zeldas that much?
The story was simple, and that's okay, but I wish the princesses told link some more interesting stuff when we rescued them. I felt like they were just saying the same stuff over and over again, with different wording.
I didn't like the dungeons that much, 'cause I've felt like they didn't stand out much from one another, but I did like some bosses, like the dragon with ice and fire heads and the worm one that bumps you out of the arena.
Despite that, the world is well built and the music is pretty great.
Not bad at all, just not a favourite to me!

(Played this one with a friend, André. We had a sleepover and ordered pizza. Great time!)

Absolute garbage and stupid. I do like hard games but this one is just dumb.

It has great music tho!

Cute. It’s clear how it states what the series was going to be like, and how much it still inspires the new games.
Simple, fun. If I had played it when I was younger I’d had absolutely loved it.

The vibes are just perfect. Creepy, odd, exquisite, with a sense of dread and wonder that no other game managed to match yet. It just scratched a very specific itch for me.
While this Zelda might not have the best dungeons or puzzles, the atmosphere just makes up for everything. The temporal loop mechanics are really great and provide such an unique experience.
I really hope someday they bring this atmosphere back to a Zelda game, ‘cause it WORKS SO GOOD.

(Played it with a friend, André. I slept over at his house for a couple of days and we had a great time, which makes this one even more special to me.)

No but seriously, this is such a great game. It’s fun, it’s camp, it’s a total bop. Although we now have this less horny bayo (A FACT THAT IS ACTUALLY EXPLAINED IN THE GAME, MIGHT I TELL YOU) she is still amazing, she’s still serving, still a legend, and still the moment.
Bayo 3 has some of the best moments of the entire saga, from Diva’s Dance references (but make it demonic!) to some of the best showdowns of videogames.
The last 2 hours of the game got me screaming, ugly crying, laughing, and, surprisingly, dancing.

It honestly is a wonderful ending to the saga. Please, PLEASE, do play it. You’re gonna have so much fun.
(Do I wish this was actually a ps5 game? Yes. It would be wayyy more amazing, ‘cause it just pushes the Switch systems right to it’s limits. But if a Switch game is all we could get then I’m effing GRATEFUL)

Não foi o melhor final fantasy que já joguei, mas também não foi o pior (sim eu estou falando de você, FFIV After Years).

Final Fantasy V é... esquisito. Apesar de todos os elementos que fazem FF ser um FF estarem ali, como os cristais, os heróis, o mundo se acabando, a narrativa crescendo, etc, ele insiste em inserir um humor extremamente bobinho na narrativa que faz o jogo ficar com um ar de "aventura da sessão da tarde."; As vezes essa vibe até funciona, acho que apenas poderia ser mais bem dosada.
Um dos melhores momentos da narrativa é uma briga entre o grande vilão e uma.... tartaruga. É esse o tipo de bobeira que constantemente se mostra presente na narrativa kkkk

Dito isto, a narrativa é um pouco rasa. Não há muito desenvolvimento de personagem, nem grandes reviravoltas. As coisas apenas meio que vão acontecendo. Mas funciona. Como falei anteriormente, não foi o melhor, não foi o pior.
Mas o que o jogo deixa a desejar no quesito narrativo, ele certamente entrega em qualidade na trilha sonora e no sistema de jobs.

As músicas desse Final Fantasy são coisa de outro mundo. Temos Battle on The Big Bridge é um marco de final fantasy, e segue sendo usada até hoje de tão boa que é, e também o tema da Lenna, que é uma das músicas mais lindas que já tive o prazer de escutar. Nobuo mais uma vez mostra que é um gênio na criação de músicas.
Quanto ao sistema de Jobs, fiquei um pouco resistente no começo por ter muitas opções, visto que cada personagem pode usar todas as classes, mas no final do jogo já estava completamente viciado em masterizar o máximo de jobs possíveis. Muito recompensador e acho que gera uma mudança de gameplay ao longo do jogo que é muito positiva.

Ao contrário do que me disseram, eu diria que vale SIM a pena jogar Final Fantasy V, porém, não recomendaria como seu primeiro Final Fantasy.
É um jogo divertido e com uma mudança de vibe bem vinda pra quem jogou os jogos anteriores em sequência, mas fica um pouco longe do que normalmente esperamos, ao menos narrativamente, de um FF.

I do have to start saying that this is FAR from my kind of game, so take this review with a grain of salt.

Farcry6 is... fun, I guess? I'm pretty sure I'd have hated it if I played solo, but I got through it on co-op with one of my pals (Bolt). While the game tells a tale about revolution, with some pretty great actors like Esposito and Nisa Gunduz (Female Dani), it is filled with utter nonsense like pet alligators, crazy weapons, fun side missions and whatever the hell you can imagine. Surprisingly, it works!

The main plot could be better, but it's not bad. It has it's share of good moments and crazy twists, but in the end, it's not revolutionary at all (see I made a pun, I must be getting better at writing my reviews). They could use the nonsense that's part of the farcry world to make the narrative even greater, but they chose not to. Anyway, I don't have a lot to ellaborate on that. It's not bad, but it also isn't GOOD.

As for the gameplay: generic. You shoot, you kill. And that's okay, not every shooter needs to reinvent the weel, but well, a generic gameplay with an ok story just didn't do that much for me.

Despite everything, I'd say the game is worth playing in co-op. I got some good laughs while playing with my friend and I'll take that as a win.

Oh, and the Stranger Things crossover mission is pretty fun! Remember to check it out.

(Would I play ANOTHER Farcry game? Prolly not.)

wow, what a game!

This one really hits the nail as a Sequel to a great game (and an overpriced DLC, looking at you Spider Man Miles Morales). It touches on a lot of strings left by the last games and uses them to weave a pretty amazing narrative, full of twists, turns and a LOT of memorable moments.

I really liked that the game started more calm and got progressively more action focused as the game went by. One of my most common critiques on newer games is that usually they don't know when to stop the sidequests to let the game flow properly. But spider man does that PERFECTLY.

I really enjoyed all the sidequests, they had content and meaning, and when I got to like 60% of the game, I was mostly done with all of them and got to focus on the main quest, which gets a LOT of momentum and becomes just non-stop high-stakes action until the ending.

Also, NO THE GAME IS NOT SHORT!!!! I finished it with 34h (playing on hard), and it felt like the perfect moment to end the game. I'm happy they chose to do a solid 30h game full of content instead of making a 50h one full of boring stuff!

I was always curious about FNAF. I'd already seen some lore videos on youtube, but never got to actually playing the games.
Today I went to the cinema to watch the new FNAF movie, and despite it being just "ok" and nothing more, it did finally make me want to go trough the game.

So, got home, bought it on steam and beat it in 80 minutes (up to night 6). And I gotta say: I'm so mad that I didn't play it when it was released. I honestly think that it was innovative and fun. It didn't scare me at all, even despite me playing alone, with headphones in my dark living room, but it did make me tense. I mean, you know that night when Chica starts getting completely sycho? Hell no. (but actually, hell yes.)

Point is, great game, despite being very simple it was something completely new when it released.

Honestly? A modern classic.
Also, the animatronics are cool af.

Simple, fun, silly (with a touch os cosmic horrors at the final boss), this is what I expect from a kirby game. And may I say that this one delivers as expected.
The stages are kinda short, but that was a positive point in my opinion. I probably wouldn't have liked it if I played solo, but I had lots of fun playing it with a childhood friend (André).

My 3,5 stars rating on this shouldn't read as me saying it's a bad game. It's just a regular one. It delivers as expected, but it also does not bring anything new to the table, and even if I considered the time when the original game was originally released (2011), this would still be true.

Anyway. Not a lot to talk about this one, honestly. But it's worth the playtrough if you can lend it from a friend or play together with someone :)

WOW. What a ride that was.
I played it on co-op with 2 of my best friends, Rafa and Fratel, and it was awesome!

We had little experience since we played Curse of Strahd (with a crazy DM who cut the campaing short), so we knew what to expect for the combat and some of the story. That said, the combat was pretty fun! I played a Bard, but I was also responsible for controlling Astarion (who we turned into a berserker barbarian). So I had 2 veryyyy differente experiences with the combat. Barbarian was really simple, just rage and beat people up, simple but effective and fun. Bard was the complete opposite, lots of spells, lots of choices, healing, crowd controlling, dealing damage. Both really fun anyway.

As for the story, I liked it, but it didn't change my life. I expected more, since my last experience was with Curse of Strahd which has WONDERFUL lore. So I was kinda dissapointed, but don't get me wrong, it isn't by any means bad. I just had high expectations that the game didn't live up to, mostly, at the ending. I expected for our actions to have BIG consequences for how the game ended, but they actually had some considerable effect durying our journey. Point is: narrative is great, endings could vary more. I also didn't like the last fight, it was way too easy, but then, we were at max lvl and knew how to play.

Also, I think the pacing went a bit "meh" at act 3. Hear me out, we're at the end of act 2 (you know what happens if u played) stakes are HIGH, shit is happening, we need to act and act FAST!!!!1!1!!! Okay, now here's baldurs gate, go play in the city for 30 more hours!!!!!
You get what I'm saying? I DO like that there are lots of content, but I think most of the side content that we find on Act 3, should actually be in act 2. Or maybe, they should've made 4 acts, with act 4 being short but elevating the stakes once more so we get to the final fight with a sense of urgency.

As for the game per-se, we didn't get too many bugs, but they did happen more often that I'd like to. Hell, some quests got bugged even. And I get that it's a big game, with a lot to handle, but still. I'm just not giving this one 5 stars 'cause of the bugs.

NOW, should you play it? Absolutely yes. Be it by yourself, or with friends, you're in for a hell of a ride. Amazing characters, SUPERB voice acting, a nice story, and lots to do. I'd reccomend playing it with a friend or 2, leaving a space for one story companion.

And please, do tell Asterion that I sent him a hug when you see him.