The 3DS mechanics aren't well used, and the game itself looses its narrative focusing in multiple characters.

To be fair, the first chapters is the finest experience of an truly survival horror from Resident Evil in 2013, and the fact this is running on a damn 3DS is very impressive. After a few sequences, the games begins to feel just repetitive.

It's better than Resident Evil 5 and 6, but the least good survival horror RE is better than this one.

Great game, far better expanded than the original, but the main problem is the controls. I played it on the 3DS (wich has analogues), but still.

Mario 64 from the N64 suffered from its bad camera, but that's okay, coming from a 1996 game. I can't say the same from this one, since the camera and the controls are terrible.

It's a wonderful experience, but it can be really frustrating.

Truly one of the best Zeldas of the franchise, and far better than A Link to the Past. I honestly could not find any bad feature from it (:


Um dos melhores jogos indie dos últimos tempos. Fica um gostinho de que poderia ter mais coisas, mas o que ele se propõe a fazer, ele faz com maestria.

Minha única crítica a esse jogo é que ele tem alguns elementos mal aproveitados. Por exemplo, a arma de raios UV, que aparece em uma parte específica do jogo e depois some, e também o fato dele ser curtinho e a lore não ser explorada com tanta profundidade, apesar dela ser bastante interessante.

O jogo é muito bem feito e o level desing das fases é maravilhoso. Certamente, um dos melhores jogos do Mario e um dos melhores jogos do 3DS.

Contudo, tenho que dizer, é um jogo fácil demais.

Fraco demais bicho. 5 horas que pareceram durar 50.

Pra quem jogou o original sabe que esse aqui chuta, cospe e ri da cara do clássico. Feito nas coxas mesmo pra pegar embalo no reverse e no RE2. Não reconheci NENHUM cenário do jogo original direito e ainda por cima é todo picotado (remontaram partes e cortaram outras como Clock Tower e o Gravedigger).

I first played MGS when i was little, on my old PS2. It was MGS3 and i remember till this day how geat it was (but i couldn't undestand a thing about MGS's lore).

Then, i came to this one, and i was shocked how cinematic it was. A game that could easily being from a PlayStation 5 in a 1998's PsOne Game.

It's one of the best games that i've played. Top notch dialogues, characters, boss fights, stealth mechanics, and even the sounds of this game are iconic! It's revolutionary and definitely a must play.

This game has no reason to exist at all. It's literally a spin off with big budget. The story is so lazy that they just decided to throw away ALL the obvious potentials (Telling the origins of Umbrella in a much more cleaver way) to make a father story (And a bad one, btw, the plot twist is so awful i almost skipped the final cutscenes just to reach the credits).

The only thing that makes this game "fun" is the gameplay, wich is great in almost all aspects. UNTIL Moreau, after that all the Heinserbeg and Chris sections are horrible

Please, Capcom, bring Jill or Rebecca back, nobody likes Ethan.

This game was on my backloggd since a loong time ago, when i bought it. For some reason, it wasn't starting on steam and i just dropped. Some days ago, i went on testing and it started :D

i've just finished and i cannot put in words how good it is.
just buy it and see for yourself

Uh.. This is the first review i make of a game that let me down in some aspects... Don't get me wrong, Soul Reaver is good, overall. But it truly needs a remake.

One thing that truly amazed me is the "two worlds" mechanic. Basically, there is 2 different versions of all scenarios that you go trough the game. Until this day, i've never seen a videogame that do that so well than this one.

The story is 10/10. Fantastic, a whole universe in a PS1 cult game. But i cannot say the same for the gameplay, the combat works well but there is so many enemies (and they keep respawnning) that it doesnt make it fun to fight, it just keep being boring when they messes with u when you're trying to solve a puzzle.

And talking about puzzles, this game has a LOT. And most of them are "box pushing simulators". There is SO MANY, so MANY puzzles that it feels that this isn't a action/adventure game, 'cause the pace gets so slow that there is moments you just want to see a walktrough by a 13yo kiddo instead of trying yourself (None of them are really hard and the bosses are easy as well)

It's a shame, but it's still worthy to try!

Dino Crisis is one of the best survival horrors i've played! It is a mix between Resident Evil and a lot of great ideas. This game has great puzzles and a lot of scarier moments. There is, however, a few problems that doesn't make Dino Crisis a "perfect" survival horror like Silent Hill 2 or Resident Evil 2. The "mix system" is confusing, the story is just bad and the final half of the game is a little boring.

Still, Capcom should remake this hidden gem of horror (:

Cocoon is a good puzzle game with a lovely art and some philosofy behind. But that's all. After playing Journey, Abzu, Death's Door and even Tunic, Cocoon feels like it's just another one of a bunch of better games with the same artstyle.

SEA OF STARS... what can i say about this one?

This game felt gourgeous by most of the time, especially in terms of combat, soundtrack, pixel art and characters. There is a lot of plot twists too (Some predictable, some not), but the ending is kind of frustrating and it's way begins to be way repetitive. By the first half of the game, i would score Sea of Stars a 10/10, but after finishing it, i realize that 8.5/10 is a more proper score. Definitely a good nostalgic RPG!

Good SNES port. I found it a little repetitive and a bit hard at the end, but it's a very fun game. I would say that the biggest flaws are the lack of different enemies/scenarios and good boss fights. That's all.