I'm going to try and pretend that the devs of this game weren't outright antagonistic to original Devil May Cry fans.

The plot is dribbling shit, and Dante in this game is both hard to sympathize with and hard to like, with some of the most immature dialogue I've ever heard. But honestly, I think the combat get's too much flak. It isn't THAT bad, even if the alternate weapons outside of 2 aren't all that fun to use, and the devil trigger is dumb, and... okay, it's not super great, but it has the spirit of devil may cry in it.

You can still be pretty stylish (and the meter was adjusted post release to reflect this instead of being childishly easy to get) and this game actually has real level design, unlike the rest of the series. So it's not a total wash. It's conflicting, since I was one of the DMC fans annoyed at this pre release, but I don't think it's as bad as people say.

Doesn't have quite the endless depth of DMC3, but it's combat system is so much cleaner and more refined, with the most insane variation of Dante to date. V's style is probably not to everyones taste, and it took me awhile to get used to myself, but it was refreshing seeing Nero finally come into his own gameplay wise instead of being the context sensitive button masher he was prior.

The camera is better than 3's or 4's, but not by much, though, and the microtransactions on release put a bad taste in my mouth. But whatever. Great game.

It's not perfect. The game doesn't really start until DMD, the learning curve is obtuse and brutal, and the level design/camera is pretty bad. But there's rarely a game that rewards mastery of its systems in place like DMC3. As stylish as you could ever want to be, with whatever style you want, with as many weapons as you want. Be the guy in the cutscene. Rock on.

I have no idea what to rate this, because I feel like rating it as its aged to sin is not reflective of the experience I had, but rating it as I have it now would not reflect how... unfortunate the gameplay has gotten. Play without the tank controls in the modern versions and the game is way too easy, but they are hell to use. And the constant, CONSTANT door loading screens after the trick has worn off. I don't know. I loved it. I don't love it anymore, but think it's cool. Idk.

It's bad. It's so, SO damn bad. The controls are actually surprisingly smooth when you learn them, but everything else is so, so bad. The plot is dumb. The characters are grim and stoic hollywood protagonists. The enemy design is bland. Everything sucks. It sucks. It is HILARIOUS, though, if you can play something ironically with a friend.

There's a good game in here, I swear. Also, maybe has the worst, stupidest AI companion you will see in any game ever. Almost unplayable without coop.

It has some of the fun things in RE4, but it lowers the exploration and treasure finding elements and tries to get more serious with the plot to its downsides. The inventory is also hell on earth to try and manage. It does get a bit too much flak, I think, but it's not unfounded.

Not a good horror game, but a great action adventure game that the future titles never lived up to. The controls are pretty stiff and janky to use now adays and the bosses are cakewalks but the exploration elements and b movie charm save the game from becoming the mediocre sludge the games after would. I would have been fine if RE continued down this direction, instead of... what we got.

Don't get me wrong, it's really atmospheric and the game is fun... when you aren't using stealth. The AI is braindead and the powercreep you get from all the powers you use just breaks the game over it's knee. Despite the wealth of options the game feels really repetitive. Not to mention a dry, personality barren plot.

Better than the first. I could have done without the 'everything at the kitchen sink' loot system, though. Some bosses are fun, and Death is a really smooth character to control, but theres quite a few repetitive side things to do, and the final boss and ending is a huge anti climax. If I could give a 2.75 I would.

It's not bad, but it hasn't aged too well. The graphics are really starting to show it's age, and gameplay starts off really damn slow. It was fun at the time and I was really curious where the series was going to go, though. It's still good if you have a hankering for a 3d zelda game with more engaging combat.

I know it's probably unfair to rate not only a game, but an entire trilogy, based on the last 15 minutes of the last game, but I cannot in good conscience rate this game any higher, regardless of how cool I thought the quarian/geth plotline was. The last 15 minutes is a flabbergasting disaster of which I have never seen before. I have truly never seen anything near such a writing catastrophe as I have seen in this game.

It should be mentioned, though, that not everything about the game prior to the ending is perfect. The krogans plotline, especially with Wrex in charge, is pretty baffling. But still, those could be look past if the ending was not what it was.

And honestly, the gameplay did not get any meaningfully better from two, and it ultimately cemented the death of Bioware. It sucks, but it is what it is.

I probably regard this game higher than it deserves. It is practically a side quest turned into an entire game, but the micro writing in some of the romance plotlikes like Garrus's, Talis and Thanes is some of the best. And the premise of the game, assembling an entire death squad of the universes most badass to take on something impossible, is cool.

The gameplay can be pretty fun once you've progressed far enough, but I find that if you just play as a normal soldier class with cover mechanics, it's really boring and stale. If this game didn't have the Vanguard I probably would think nothing of the combat.

Good game, but it is a tragic first step in the downfall of bioware and its slow decline.

This has not aged very well.

I would still say it's the most consistent writing effort within the mass effect trilogy, and this was before the choice wheel was in its full form, so the dialogue with npcs is alot better on average. The squadmates don't hold a candle to the sequel, though, and it's hard not to sour on the games plot ending on a cliffhanger when we now know what it's all leading to. The gameplay and the mako segments are truly hideous by now too.


A great boomer shooter. Chapter 1 is slow and doesn't build up well enough within itself, but after that and especially in chapter 3, the level design and aesthetics goes ballistic. The guns are definitely played too safe, without a truly crazy option to use. Rather... stale for a game like this, but whatever. Fun stuff.

Sekiro is a game I loved when I first finished but I'm not so sure anymore.

The combat is great, definitely the best in the series, and it's a rhythm game like action feels more like a test of skill than anything else in the series. But the character progression is just kinda... boring, and the aesthetics of "feudal japan, forever" are so damn dry. I wish the game leaned way harder into the few fantasy aspects that it did have.

It was a really good game to play once, but I think the depth of the combat wears off immediately if you try and play it again when you realize how easy the parry window is. I give it credit for making a truly ball busting final boss, though. It was a cool game, but I don't want fromsoft to go down this route. I don't think it is their strength.