I'd say still the best turn based gameplay in final fantasy with engaging character progression in the sphere grid. Spira I think ends up being a pretty well realized setting too, though I think the game does get a little... overly ambitious and confusing by the end. And it feels like a lot of characters are just sort of along for the ride by the end. But it's not bad.

The gameplay returns to a more simple and arguably tired system that doesn't really go above 'serviceable', but the charm of the cast, life of the setting, and strong themes of finding yourself and where one belongs make this the most consistent final fantasy from a writing standpoint.

A boring grind across an endless green space of nothing. You exist to hold up through the expanse of absolutely nothing, in order to find shrines that upgrade your stamina so that you can hold up for slightly longer while all your weapons break. By far the worst dungeons in the series too. Overrated as an open world game and bad as a zelda.

I don't really know how to rate this game, because the story is blitzed to the moon and the setting is like some sort of battle harem light novel (boy that blew my mind when someone pointed it out to me) and the battle system is such massive unintuitive nonsense- yeah okay it the game sucks, but it has some of the coolest challenge runs I've ever seen. That's gotta count for something.

A really cool setting that ultimately doesn't go anywhere on the backs of a bunch of interchangeable non characters.

Unarguably one of the most influential and important videogames ever made, but has aged terribly. The translation is garbage and incomprehensible, the setting is cool but disjointed, the characters are just drops of exposition... it goes on. Not every important game is a good one, but I'll respect its legacy.

Really good for what it is, but I'm pretty bitter it hid the more fun version of the game until you beat it once. It's not a super drastic change of the game, so I wish it was just unlocked from the start. Hardmodes being locked is cursed.


A cool immersive sim with a weak endgame. The last third of the game becomes a repetitious walk of enemies you've seen and vastly overpower with environments you're well accustomed to. The themes of the game are pretty well integrated though if you look for it, and the ending is cool.

A really cool game in what it tries to be and what it accomplishes. I think there's a bit too much exploration for the sake of it in the midgame, because I think the game truly shines while it dripfeeds you schematics as you get deeper into the depths. The climax of the game is also a bit grindy. But it conjures an atmosphere in a way very few games do. I hope below zero is near as good.

I don't think the game is really that bad, but man is it disappointing. It feels like a lot of the metal gear charm just zipped away. The weird but hilarious boss fights, the over the top villains, the cliche and overcomplicated but sincerely told plot... it's all just kind of missing. The game feels spiritless, like it was a metal gear game that Shang Tsung walked over and ripped its soul out.

The gameplay is probably the best in the series, not that it's a super high bar, but it does get old pretty quickly. There's a good reason why none of the previous games were all that long.

A rather boring movie with... not terrible gameplay to accompany it.

I do wish that The Last of Us didn't oversaturate the gaming world with "white protagonist loves his daughter" stories so strongly, but what can you do. The game was very technically impressive at the time and there's some good voice acting and set pieces, but I think the game really struggles in the middle. Nothing in the middle ever really feels like it matters, it's just all this interchangeable blob of "stuff that happened so we could grow closer." The only big game changer is the ending of the game.

Not a bad game, but pretty overrated in my honest opinion.

This is a very conflicting game for me. Because if I were to rate Kingdom Hearts 2 based on just what its normal gameplay is like, it would not be high at all, barely above a 1.5. But this is one of the most gnurpable games with some of the tightest mechanics you can find. Underneath the layers upon layers of safety locks and overly powerful player abilities lays an extremely rewarding character action game with the best movement and bosses you can find.

But it requires doing a ton; Setting the game on critical mode isn't even enough, Sora still just bashes his way mindlessly through everything. You not only have to set it to Crit, Level 1, not use summons... the list goes on. And even then, there's plenty of rough and poor spots in the main game. If it were just based on what I think the game is like at its peak, it'd be my favorite, but it's too inaccessible. Still, what a bizarre game this is.

Did some things in action games that have never been replicated as well across any game, with a fun emphasis on positioning instead of attacking.

Unfortunately, being based on positioning is really unfortunate when your camera is some of the worst thats ever been seen in character action. The terrible balance of this game also leads to game that gets significantly harder, but gets absurdly boring as it does. The harder the game gets and the more you learn, the less of your entire kit you use, prefering to just run jump evade forever, use one or two moves, then repeat. The games horrible balance across usable attacks means that the game gets absurdly repetitive as you learn more of it.

It still has some of the most satisfying movement to pull off for a protagonist though, and I do wish more games borrowed from its way of changing the game through difficulty options. Flawed gem.

Gives you access to Vergil, who is absurdly fun and just as rewarding to master. Trish is okay too, I guess. Lady... not so much.

The game unfortunately still feels a bit unfinished in every regard, though. Adding some new characters doesn't entirely fix how much of a boring mess Nero is to play, and the reptitiveness that happens later. The combat engine of this game is REALLY damn good though, and honestly this was dantes ultimate form before 5 just from a solitaire game experience.

One of the best character action games disguised as an FPS you can find. The game has a rough learning curve initially and the lack of ammo can be pretty frustrating for the uninitiated, but it has so many more solid gameplay mechanics to encourage weapon swapping and really engaging with the mechanics. I could be biased, mind, because I have only played on nightmare, so I can't speak if this all rings true for earlier difficulties.

Longtime fans of DOOM might be sad at the turn away from more labyrinth level design in favor of an arena fighter, but I think it created a perfect match.