31 Reviews liked by Wilkaoo

Jogo incrível, mas não é 5/5 porque DEMONICA é uma péssima sigla.

First of all, no matter the problems of this game (who are a lot), it will be always 5.0 stars , because of the importance in my life and to help me learn english.

Let's talk about origin stories. It's not the best out there, but as a star wars story in the most rich of lore era that is the Old Republic, does it job well. The thing this game does better is immersion, i love being a ruthless Sith, or a deadly bounty hunter, or a heroic Jedi and so on, you understand what i'm talking about. Even if the choices don't really matter much in the end, they do feel right for the self development for what you decide how your character will be. The companions are cool and i love interacting with then (not the ones with quests tho, i hate having to leave for another planet just for them lol). As i said, there are better major stories out there in writing and everything, but it's decent and i like it enough.

Now lets burn things here, the combat imported ages ago from WoW is a awful experience. It's not bad if you ask me, but after years playing this game only, and getting out there to play other MMOs, even WoW that changed its combat, this one is so outdated that is not even fair. I started playing about 8 years ago, and i can easily tell, the skills and combat are the same, besides 2-3 habilities removed and the revamp of combat specializations aren't enough to update the feeling for a todays game, or even for a pleasure gameplay.

First, we had the companions change some years ago, you can choose the role for you companion, that way you can mantain the one you liked even if needed a healer or a DPS (i honestly never used them as a tank). If you choose DPS, they gonna smash you so much with an absurd amount of damage (it's not a good example but i remember clearly a comp doing 36-40k hits when the max i ever saw from a player being 20k), you not gonna to use half of your rotation and everything is already dead because they are stronger than you. Now, if you choose a healer... you can't die. Yeah, you CAN'T die. It's so stupid, i found a player from the other faction, and we were at a PvP instanced world map (why? i don't know) and we started attacking each other... and no one died, and we target each other companions... and no one died. I'll not talk about tanks because i didn't use them enough for that. They nerfed them hard, in Onslaught i think? But they are still too much powerful, and every battle becomes a joke.

Second, the level sync is terrible. Now lets talk about something here, i like level sync, and for the quests and rewards part is good, but for the combat or instance areas is completed stupid. "You will now face a powerful foe! It will be a fierce battle" then you happily go to the planet for the battle, but is a low level planet, Korriban for example. You being sync for level 10, in a quest level 50... the big final battle... I think is clear enough that it's gonna be very very very easy. I once let my companion alone kill the boss. Before the level sync i remember suffering some bosses, and having to get an another companion that is spec for heal just to have a chance, and i liked it. You can like how it is right know, but i don't so that's it sorry.

Third, walking simulator for the most part. It's an MMO, i know, but the balance between combat and conversations is very bad. I remember playing Mass Effect for hours without doing a single shot, and was cool because it's the game's focus, story, immersion and conversations! I don't like having a good piece of the story interrupted to run a giant map, like Hoth or Tatooine, just to kill or interact with one thing in an instance area that is big, with elevators, and rooms.

The origin stories are, for me, the best part of the game, and thankfully, are F2P. You have the two first expansions, that are ok, i like Shadow Of Revan and Oricon, but they became generic to all classes so it lost the flavor of personal conflicts. KOTFE and KOTET are ok... but they have so many bad decisions for the direction of the game that i dont want to talk too much. Onslaught is a patch, just like Legacy of The Sith (that i refused to pay because, again, is a patch).

I decided to talk only about the base game because is what i like most, and don't become a big block of text.

I have so much to talk about SWTOR, but after all these years i can't be impartial to a game that is so important to my life. The good part of it is free so i recomend playing if you like Star Wars and want to RP a character from the series. After that don't expect much from the MMO part.

¥50,000 huh…… ▋

What the fuck, man. This goddamn game. Suda you’re a fucking madman. I wrote literally two scripts before writing this one. I can’t find the right balance between overtly referencing The Silver Case and articulating my own thoughts, so, fuck it. We’re winging this shit. I’m not going to stress on this review at all. I’m writing freely. This game actually fucked me up LOL. My sleep schedule was ruined by it. Just like Tokio fr!!! Game was insanely captivating and immersive so much so that I couldn’t put it down.


First off, I have to say I absolutely adore the art style and visual presentation. When I initially found out about The SIlver Case I was immediately drawn in by the art style. For so long I've been striving to find a game that’s reflective of my taste in art. This is that game. It’s so unique and senseless while still having a constructed comfy feel forming an immaculate atmosphere. Everything is weirdly claustrophobic but in a seemingly more focused manner? It’s hard to describe why I love it so much, it’s just my tastes.


I’m left kinda speechless? Honestly this game caters to my tastes so well that I’m left with nothing but fragments of these memories conspired by Silverization. The past? Perhaps. Can one kill such a thing? The themes present all throughout the game remain strangely relevant while still being reflective of the times. The turn of the century…


Suda is a weird fucking guy. I think everyone can agree to this. If this is just the tip of the iceberg with how far he can go then goddamn I’m in for a ride. Regardless, I actually really fucking love most of the characters. They’re all unique and the interactions between them are classic. Kusabi and Sumio are favorites with their gayass silly banter. Tokio is my personal favorite, though. I might have to say that I enjoyed Placebo more than Transmitter. The mystery was thicker and I found the simplistic tedious nature of the gameplay loop to be highly enveloped. It’s a more personal take on the grander scheme that Transmitter presents us with. The gaps left in the story of Transmitter get filled in nicely in Placebo. Both parts complete each other to form the stylistic and complex package. Plus Tokio is the most lovable fucking asshole I’ve seen in a game. His character development is also pretty three dimensional I’d say. In his last moments I really felt a sense of purity and oneness with him.


Thinking about it more and more I kinda wish the story wasn’t as…rushed? Once you hit lifecut shit just puts itself out into the open and revealed. I think there was defo emotional buildup but it did seem a bit jarring coming off of Placebo which didn’t really resolve much. All in all the fantastic writing stays consistent all the way through so it’s not a deal breaker. The mystery is still there and it looms even after the game’s departure.


One last thing, the soundtrack. Haters will say it doesn’t go hard. Every song has the perfect tone to accentuate a scene. It completes the story, in a way. Hitting the extra beats that the story can’t always hit by itself. Masafumi Takada never misses.


That’s it, I guess. I’ll still be pondering over this game’s enigmatic existence probably for years to come. I’m glad I finally experienced this batshit piece of fiction (bat lol) after almost a year of it sitting on my shelf. The more games I play, the more games that end up on my damn shelves. Here’s to Flower, Sun, and Rain hopefully being as engaging for me as this game.


Sudaheads, one question,
Would you lend him ¥50,000?

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"i understood! i understood!!", i continue to insist as i slowly shrink and transform into a red slider turtle.

TSC comes up as a really cool cyberpunk-y hardboiled story (cyberboiled?) about the evils of goverment and the messianic powers of the blooming internet in the, then thought, wild turn of the millenium. The cigarette smoke fills the air on this game just as it does on my room right now, as I write this.
Divided in two parts, Transmitter follows the work of the Heinous Crimes Unit, with bothcharacters and the player have to reconcile with the fact they are being functional to a conspiracy aimed to maintain the people in power forever. Placebo, on the other hand, fittingly explores the work of a freelance journalist and his interactions with said conspiracy and the consequences that come with that.
On a more deep level, I believe the themes of killing the past revolve around the idea of letting go of the burdens one contracts along the walk of life. Characters constantly have to face have to face moments where they have to put their past to rest, and even the game's narrative does this, sometimes refusing to elaborate on previous plotlines. Although I don't fully agree with the idea of letting the past rest, which in this particular [silver] case takes more of a "shoot the dog laying" rather than letting it sleep, I do admire the way Suda allows the burdens of yesterday to shoot him in the back if it allows him to face tomorrow.
Overall, it's a really cool package that asks you to vibe with it rather than understand it, something that I do think is repeated in most of the works of Grasshopper.

This review contains spoilers

yesterday i killed the past.

some people would think that i could not handle it but i did. i discovered the truth about myself and about the world i was born into -- not our planet Earth, bur our system. still, while programmed to murder and to die, i shall not surrender. i must seek the future. i should be just like that deaf guy, that killed his past and went free from it. the police did catch him but why does it matter? "the capital that did us bad is now decapitated" -- he must thinked while being arrested by his best friend -- which was struggling to get over the past. imprisoned in old values, never questioning to others but always to himself what the purpose of his duty and choosing to be blind while seeing what his fake conservatism was doing. he was afraid of the future -- kill the past and be killed by the future, i guess --, after all, as soon internet domains everything, his job would be done. those new detectives knows more than his old boomer ass could and with this, his validity as a person would be proof. but after some time, he ended up being able to face it. face his past. kill it. i could say the same about turtle guy: worst than being afraid of your past is not knowing it at all -- we, as humans, are afraid of the unknown, which is just metaphysic darkness. having weird dreams. talking to spirits. entering into a conspiracy. is just the shit you do when you want to discover who you truly are. smoking cigarettes and having an existential crisis etc. once you recognize your place in the world and why you are in there and why you are the way you are, you may not like it, but it does not matter.

you just gotta kill your past today and discover a better future. if tomorrow you need to, just do it again.

dragon quest v is the best 'dad game' for understanding that, to be a dad, you need at first to be a son. it also understands how important a parent is to the formation of a child. it understands that, while people are gone, they live forever in our hearts and the impact they caused on us will remain till us gone, too. such a powerful experience, i miss the ones that are gone so much, but i love they a lot, too.

Hylics é um RPG feito em RPG Maker com arte em Claymation e você sabe o resto.

O que me surpreendeu no jogo foi sua simplicidade, ele é simples demais, não possui mecânicas complicadas, mas mecânicas únicas chamam a atenção, como a falta completa de XP, tendo sido substituído pelas "Flesh" e "Will" que são upadas individualmente, o que pode ser tanto uma bênção quanto uma maldição (Não é mesmo, Pongorma?). Mas mesmo não tendo XP, Somsnosa sola todos por upar de jeito diferente, então, mate todos os insetos que passarem pelo seu caminho.

A história... Existe, não levando o segundo em conta e nem umas falas do próprio Mason Lindroth sobre o conceito do jogo, a história definitivamente existe é uma das histórias já escritas, você aparentemente lê palavras e tudo te leva a matar o boss final, então sim, ela existe.

Aliás, esqueci de falar da música: Música muito boa, pena que eu praticamente esqueci delas pois as músicas do segundo jogo são realmente o ápice da música de RPGs e nada me fará pensar o contrário.

OBS 2: Não é pq as músicas do 2 são melhores que as do primeiro que isso quer dizer que a música seja ruim, apenas que as músicas do segundo jogo são simplesmente M A R A V I L H O S A S.

Não é o melhor Persona, mas é o meu favorito, eu não tenho muito o que dizer além do óbvio, esse jogo me colocou de volta no mundo dos JRPGs, mesmo com seus vários problemas.

Vamos lá, primeiro Souls Like, expectativa altissima de muito sangue suor e ódio... recebi tudo em dobro.

Primeiro de tudo gostaria de deixar claro que "Os Souls são os jogos mais difíceis omg" "Muito difícil, tu n aguenta" etc etc etc que ouvi por quase toda minha vida de gamer são falácias gigantescas. Se o Bloodborne seguir o mesmo caminho de seus primos Dark Souls, não, o jogo não é difícil, bem longe disso, ele é extremamente fácil. Você bate e desvia, ponto final. Nada de mais elaborado que gere dificuldade. Para mim o que o jogo é, é punitivo. Você não pode errar, se errar você MORRE, e com isso perde recursos e tempo (e anos de vida, e cabelos...).
Em vários momentos do jogo me vi em situações de tirar 80% da vida do boss com bastante tranquilidade, e pow, ele me acerta uma vez, me comba e eu morro. Isso é só o sistema punitivo e frustrante que faz o tilte mental, deixando consecutivas mortes destruirem a sua capacidade de tomada de decisão, gerando mais erros, e mais mortes.

Tirando o fator dificuldade, o combate do jogo é surpreendentemente divertido, cada arma tendo um estilo de jogo diferente, me fez ter vontade de jogar novamente só para testar novas combinações, e essa gameplay influenciou muito na nota final.

História. Que história? Antes que me joguem pedras, sim eu vou atrás de vídeos de 1h e páginas da Wiki explicando o que aconteceu, mas não sou nem um pouco fã desse estilo de storytelling em jogos, de coisas escondidas e tals. Tal qual jogos que colocam tudo em audio log ou textos para ficar coletando, bloodborne simplesmente anula completamente a história se você não procurar por ela (a n ser que eu seja péssimo em tirar um livro de sentidos em uma frase de alguns segundos que os poucos personagens falam). Atualizarei sobre o que achei caso veja necessidade.

Trilha sonora, só é presente nos bosses, cumpre seu papel de dar um epic moment mas nada que senti ser memorável (ou que tenha prestado atenção já que estava ocupado tentando não morrer). Gostei do "som do silêncio" enquanto você anda pelas áreas, ajuda no clima do jogo.

Atmosfera do jogo realmente é um ponto forte. Esse estilo combinou muito com todos os positivos do jogo e cumpre seu papel de maneira extremamente competente.

Agora o dito cujo que me fez várias vezes pensar em desistir do jogo: o caminho de volta pro boss. Meu senhor, mais um dos motivos do pq acho um jogo punitivo e frustrante. Você volta lá da casa do baralho, tem que correr pelo mapa todo, e ainda tem chance de ficar preso no meio de vários bichos e morrer, pra ter que voltar de novo e de novo e de novo até chegar no boss, e olha só, morreu quando ele tava com 20% pq nesse jogo é errou morreu :D

Enfim, saí com um saldo positivo do jogo, até pq penso seriamente em platinar, algo que alguns quero distância. Talvez vários dos pontos negativos que comentei não incomodem um fã de Souls, mas não acho que seja um estilo que combine comigo. Perdi alguns anos na expectativa de vida por causa do estresse, mas faz parte da experiência. Jogue por sua conta e risco, e por favor, não quebre seu controle.

Ps: 60 fps seria nice em, estou no aguardo.

Let's enjoy this wild, MAZE OF LIFE!

Review Parte X:
Fifa fazendo eu usar hulkbuster de novo. A história é belíssima, tem uns momentos esquisitos de roteiro mas acho que são consequência dos outros problemas que ele tem. Música, padrão fifa também, To Zanarkand é sensacional e outras ao decorrer que não vou lembrar o nome agora.

Personagens ótimos, em especial, obviamente, os protagonistas, afinal a história é deles.

Infelizmente, não é um filme, livro ou série, é um jogo, e por ser um jogo sua função principal é a gameplay, que é realmente o ponto que o jogo peca, E MUITO. Grind é algo extremamente arriscado de se colocar, e geralmente, sempre deixa o jogo pior. Esse foi o caso. O sistema de leveling é esquisito e por mais que você "upe" ainda sinto que vou precisar de 20x mais pra chegar ao valor aceitável.

Outro aspecto é o HP das coisas, nunca mais chamo nenhum jogo de esponja, pq é insano comparar com esse.

Outro ponto importante, os puzzles, fruta que partiu nunca vi puzzles mais idiotas e mais forçados na minha vida, foram colocados para, junto do grind, estender as horas de jogo de maneira considerável.

É uma pena gigantesca um jogo que facilmente poderia pegar um 4.5 ou até 5.0, perder tanto por causa de aspectos implementados de maneira proposital para fazer durar mais. Se você está penando e joga a versão remaster, use os cheats, estará fazendo um favor para seu tempo, e para o próprio jogo, pois sem ele, talvez tivesse dropado na metade.

Review parte X-2:
Não existe. Acabou no X.

Nunca conheça seus heróis. O primeiro jogo que vi na vida, um dos clássicos que mais tinha expectativa, e se mostrou um jogo medíocre, vazio e nas lutas que a emoção predominante deveria ser um sentimento épico, na verdade são lotadas de frustração derivadas de controles péssimos e uma quantidade imensa de tempo perdido para refazer o caminho inteiro por qualquer erro mínimo, para, no fim, voltar e fazer tudo isso de novo mais 16 vezes.

So cool. Very difficult as well. The first few levels can be challenging but are mostly down to figuring out the best way to take care of enemies and such. Once you get to the third stage, mistakes become way more costly, figuring out the grappling hook and the platforming becomes crucial and knowing the level design by heart. In general, I'm not fond of games that teach you the game by dying, but I can forgive this one because I was never stuck on a certain area for too long. The boss fights have their own unique gimmick, but they actually feel relatively easy, compared to the levels you had to traverse to get to them. The final levels especially are brutal and will punish you if you haven't mastered the platforming elements yet.

Technically, the game is a mixed bag. It looks nice, has some great colours and variety in enemy and level design, but the soundtrack is kinda bland. It does its job but there's very little variation.

Story-wise, you're a ninja. And a cop. What more do you need to know?

The Good:
+ Press turn is amazing. Easily one of the best systems regarding Turn-based combat
+ Haunting atmosphere that suits perfectly the game. It's one of a kind.
+ Organic tutorials: you learn while have fun and don't really notice that you're playing a tutorial.
+ Good world-building through gameplay aspects like demon negotiating
+ Dante from DMC series (lol)
+ Difficulty on point
+ Mostly contemplative and sophisticated storytelling
+ Phenomenal art direction and expressive art direction. Nocturne has impressive and unorthodox framings to a PS2 video game. The character design as a whole is outstanding thanks to Kaneko Kazuma's art.
+ Many optional bosses with interesting mechanics
+ The soundtrack suits perfectly
+ Huge cast of fiends and a customizable party
+ You can customize the attributes and skills of the MC
+ Extremely fair challenge that rewards the players who learn to exploit it
+ There's no "right ending". Just different philosophical approaches on the subject
+ Varied dungeons. They are never the same and always differ on the the needed mechanics to beat them. Also, different hazards
+ If your main character dies it's Game Over. This makes sense from a narrative point of view, but can be seen as a flaw

The Bad:
- Lack of Quality of Life aspects regarding Fusion inheritance (It's a pain. You can't manually select the skills you want to pass on)
- The sound quality sometimes drop to garbage-levels.
- Nothing really happens storywise until halfway through
- Lack of good characterization: You don't really see characters growing on screen. Most of the development happens offscreen
- Random encounters are annoying on certain dungeons and Estoma should be more effective in this regard
- There aren't many remarkable places inside dungeons making it easier to get lost and less interesting. The map helps, but doesn't eliminates the problem.
- It lacks voice acting
- Evasion can easilly break most of the boss fights

The Ugly:
Demi-fiend's bermuda.