For a game specifically designed to be beat in a single sitting and no combat whatsoever, I am shocked at how incredible this game manages to tell a compelling story about one boy and a failing world. This is one of those games you just need to go into blind without hearing anything I have to say about it.

This game's visual style and combat have left a very long lasting impression on me. Wasn't too immersed in its story, but what a world to navigate. And it is really, really fun to navigate that.

I love the style, presentation, and story of this game. But I could not get behind its gameplay style. This feels like a game for hardcore DMC veterans and hardcore gamers only. While I understand DMC well, I felt actively punished at every moment playing this game.

One of the most perfect endings to a series ever. Not quite the perfection that came before it. This game has new ideas and not all of them work perfectly. But it serves its ultimate purpose of being an ending spectacularly. If MMZ3 is an 11/10, this is a 10/10.

This is the greatest video game ever made.

A middle ground between the games before and after it, MMZ2 is an extremely solid game. It fixes a lot of Z1's rough patches while presenting plenty of new ideas to the table. It serves as a perfect predecessor to what comes after.

It suffers from first game syndrome, and the Zero series hadn't quite figured out what it wanted to be yet, but MMZ starts off strong nonetheless. Just don't get filtered by Aztec Falcon and maaaaybe don't be afraid to grind for your weapon skills.

This game transformed my perspective on Star Wars. One of the coolest SW stories ever and has proven to me just how vast that galaxy can be. Everything works so well that its dated aspects don't even feel like they matter.

I love this game, but not as much as everyone else. It is a beautiful culmination of the three games that came before this, but I don't think it's the sweeping crown jewel that everyone makes it out to be. Probably the best Bowser's ever been though.

Arguably one of the most engaging and interesting stories in Star Wars. Takes everything good about the first game and adds in even more compelling and interesting characters. Just like the original, this really puts the feeling of an epic fantasy into the Star Wars galaxy.

Even people who aren't gamers need to play these games. One of the best stories ever written and it has stuck rent free in my head for nearly 10 years now. Just an incredible work of art overall.

Great game, even greater in VR. Some of the funniest and coolest dialogue out there. His right arm comes off.

Definitely not for everyone, but one of the best stories Pokemon has ever told. One of the very few games that has managed to make me cry.

A perfect trilogy. The new Wii controls for Prime 1 and 2 are somehow even better than the original, but they don't necessarily make the original games obsolete.

This game takes everything good about Disney and everything good about Final Fantasy and merges into one genuinely beautiful masterpiece. It has transformed the way I look at the both of them. Never knew sauce like this was possible.