My 2021 Ranked

Notable games I played (or watched) the majority of in 2021! This was made retrospectively in 2023 so not perfect memory.

Among my favourite games ever made. I could talk for so long about it. Let's just say I think it makes the rest of the series look mid in comparison.
Best co-op experience I've ever had. The amount of gameplay variety and creativity here is incredible.


As a rogue-lite it's great. In every other aspect, it's amazing.
I love this direction from FromSoft. Probably my favourite combat system in any game.
Just hit me with that NieR atmosphere and I'm sure to fall in love. It's not a perfect game but it just grabs me in a way others could never.
This however, might be a perfect game, you just need to give it that chance.
I'm so appreciative of the long long development of this game. Psychonauts 2 is truly one (two?) of a kind and my favourite 3D platformer.
Masterful survival horror tension in it's first half, the rest is almost as good.
Goofy 👍 Genuinely so fun.
Yes some parts are slow but the many beautiful payoffs at the end were beyond worth it
TRASH story, AMAZING combat, DECENT side missions and characters? The ultimate mixed bag. Seriously though I think the combat alone makes this worth playing.
It's dead space but a little cooler!
Like many horror games, excels in the beginning and feels a bit flat afterwards.
Genuinely really enjoyed this story. Yes the final boss kinda sucks but I really liked all the characters and it was a great end to the Kiryu Saga. I also just think the cinematography is the best in the series.
I've always wanted to play a true monkey ball game and this delivered that with no problems.
Amazing first half, meh second half, ending that should be bad but it's hype because Yakuza 4?
Loved it but I desperately don't want to touch it ever again.
I just like how quirky it is, using random office equipment to beat up monsters is fun, and it was decently challenging too.
Worst mainline Yakuza gameplay but that goes without saying. The story is still enjoyable but not incredible.
Cool concept, so short. It would probably get boring if it was longer though.
I feel like this could be my favourite game of all time if I played it when it came out. The atmosphere is immaculate but the gameplay has not aged well enough for me to enjoy it.
Fun! Forgettable!
Didn't get anything out of this, yet I still decided to see it through because it wasn't completely boring.
An insult to super meat boy's legacy.
Can't get behind the slow walking, brain dead puzzle genre. Even if the art and horror is admirable, I had a boring time.
? Why do people like this
Play it so you can laugh at how ridiculously bad it is.


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