Grasshopper Manufacture Ranked

what can i say? i like your earlier albums better. frankly after going through all of these, you really do owe me 50,000 yen.

Let It Die
Let It Die
imagine having the gall to call yourself "punk" after releasing this dogshit money-gouging fake dark souls
Killer Is Dead
Killer Is Dead
this game looks cool as shit which is the only reason it's above the other games here. feels for all the world like an anime VHS you dig out of a bargain bin, both in it's style and it's sensibilities. very much a teenager's idea of Cool and Deep and Fucked Up but it comes together to make an aesthetic that kind of works for me, though I can't take it even remotely seriously.

can't really recommend it on any level but I will just stick it on every so often for the hell of it, y'know?
Shadows of the Damned
Shadows of the Damned
a game for no one that no one involved wanted to make.
Lollipop Chainsaw
Lollipop Chainsaw
a game for the lucrative ven diagram of interminable late 2000s lolsorandomzombiebacon people, shitty hack-and-slash combat fanatics, and ephebophiles.

james gunn is the worst fucking writer in existence and everyone involved in this game belongs in jail
No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle
No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle
one of the most disastrous sequels in the entire medium
Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes
Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes
a game that bares its soul and wears its heart on its sleeve, which I respect as much as I feel sad that I can get so little out of it
No More Heroes III
No More Heroes III
honestly just embarrassing man
No More Heroes
No More Heroes
i haven't played this in 8 years but it still shines bright in my memory. we're all in the garden of madness
The Silver Case
The Silver Case
a wonderful period piece that still resonates to this day. i wish placebo wasn't such a slog to physically get through at times.
honestly just the coolest game that has ever been made
Flower, Sun, and Rain
Flower, Sun, and Rain
the definitive game-about-games. everything else pales in comparison.
The 25th Ward: The Silver Case
The 25th Ward: The Silver Case
a treasured time capsule released into the world only when it was ready for it


2 years ago

Have you played Contact?

2 years ago

I have not! I’ve always been curious about it though!

2 years ago

Me too - why I asked. One of a million to get around to!

2 years ago

really sympathize with your thoughts on TSA; speaking personally i think part of what makes it hit harder is the absence of anything quite like it for over a decade and i adore the level of craftsmanship when it comes to the smaller details in the game too - so many talented artists and musicians in the GHM stable now which is nice to see. i didnt expect much KTP influence in there when i played and was mostly just bemused at whats present without reading into it too deeply, it's self-indulgent for sure but melancholic enough at points that its somewhat offset. i do think its a serious problem that people present it and NMH3 as 'culminations' for a 'franchise' that is preoccupied far more with emotional resonance and dream logic than any logical continuity or hidden concrete lore. i also ran through the entire game, vn segments and all, in co-op which is a blast and i fully appreciate that unfortunately that experience isnt available to everyone. silver face dlc redeems every problem i had w it additionally

2 years ago

Hahaha I really liked let it die, lol. Although I think I mostly did because the music was sick

2 years ago

@kingbancho thank you for sharing your thoughts! i concur with the Silver Face DLC: it was the part of the game that came the closest to genuinely working for me, amazing what a great boss and level design that encourages you to actually Think About It will do for your game! co-op was mostly a kind of bemusing feature to me because I literally cannot conceive of knowing anyone who would sit down with me to play a game like this so I'm really glad it got some use ha

@atheneallen oh the soundtrack rips no question about it. luckily it can be mostly enjoyed completely divorced from the game itself

2 years ago

updated with No More Heroes III :(

2 years ago

i need to play more grasshopper games. great list man

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