Definitely better than X, but still rather disappointing. The gear customization system just doesn't translate as well to Mortal Kombat as it did to Injustice, same goes for the Towers mode. Best fatalities in the entire series though!

Rockstar raises the bar once again. My only gripe with the single player is that they strive so hard for realism/immersion with some of the mechanics that they end up being absolutely tedious. The multiplayer is a massive disappointment that strives to be shitty GTA Online instead of a sequel to RDR1's fantastic multiplayer.

The greatest combat system of all time. From Software took a risk by trading RPG customization elements for a real story/protagonist and it pays off.

It certainly has some great moments, but they're few and far between. Cal is a very sucky protagonist and the story is absolutely pointless. But worst of all is how the lightsaber feels more like a toy replica than the real thing when hitting enemies with it. The lightsaber customization is probably the best part of the game.

Takes everything great from the original game and combines it with everything great from the more modern games. Mr. X creates tension like nothing else in gaming.

Nobody ever asked for Far Cry with RPG elements but that's exactly what they gave us with New Dawn. It works as terribly as you'd expect. They could've at least used some crappy excuse like nuclear radiation to explain why regular enemies can now take dozens of shotgun blasts to the face when they're a higher level than you.

This makes the other WWE 2K games look good, which is saying a lot. The career mode does reach 'so bad it's good' territory with the hilariously bad dialogue and graphics. No steps forward and 10 steps backward for an already stagnant series.

Definitely Quantic Dream's best game, finally masters the balance between having a quality story and making your choices matter. By far their most replayable too, as a result of that. Every protagonist has their own unique merit.

Definitely has lower replayability than most narrative choices games, but also a lot more interesting and cool than most of them. I surprisingly actually really enjoyed the plot and the characters - Going from hating the douchey annoying teens you play as to really rooting for and caring about what happens to them is a nice feeling.

Takes all the good from base game and improves on it. While the story is still nothing special, it's definitely better than the base game as well. Robot polar bears are a plus.

It took me a long time to get into it for some reason - In my first few sessions I considered dropping it completely. But once I did get into it I was enthralled. Aloy as a character, the story, and the dialogue are all nothing special. But the gameplay, world, and enemies are all fantastic and incredibly unique and original. The human enemies are pretty lame. Lance Reddick's character is the highlight of the story.

Incredibly hard game to rate. From a technical aspect, the game is a class of its own. When it comes to graphics, gameplay, animations, etc it is unmatched. I would say the story is good overall with lots of glaring flaws, pacing being the worst of them. Certain portions of the game are way too long. The first game showcased a ton of locations across America which led to large environmental variety, Part II suffers from mostly being set in a single city with the same environment over and over. It's a great game, but doesn't come close to the bar the first set.

Surprisingly good in some areas and surprisingly bad in others. Deacon is a great protagonist with phenomenal voice acting. The gunplay is pretty meh. Definitely could've done with some mechanic to help you find gasoline if you run out while on the road, rather than being forced to walk your bike to the nearest settlement.

Wow these games did not age well. All my fond memories of AC2 being a masterpiece were shattered. Ezio still has a lot of personality but it's not enough to make up for a terrible combat system, frustrating parkour mechanics, and a convoluted (sometimes nonsensical) story. Brotherhood is definitely the best of the three. Revelations' change of setting is welcome but the story just feels like super inconsequential fan service.

Snooze fest. Super boring protagonist, setting, and gameplay. The Mayan island is the only interesting part of the story and it doesn't last. The costume changing mechanic was interesting in theory but just annoying in practice.