This game is hard as FUCK but its really good. The combat mechanics are really good, the visuals are incredible and the story is engaging. This was the first rougelike game I've ever played and even though this genre isn't really my thing, I enjoyed this alot. Also pretty much all the characters are hot

Best 3D Mario hands down. The controls are immaculate. It's biggest flaws are the camera and the fact that you get kicked out of the level after collecting some stars, and also Dire Dire Docks. But even with those its still an insanely fun game.

Fun but will make you hate your friends more than UNO, Monopoly and Mario Kart combined. Play at your own risk

I have never known true peace until I picked up a fishing rod.

Very fun game, nice to control, good visuals. But it's a little bloated and there isn't too much replay value and you can just forget about 100% don't even put yourself through it. 999 Moons? For what reason??

This game is so incredible I absolutely love it. The combat is simple but fun, the visuals are amazing, the atmosphere is somber yet beautiful, and the music is sublime. The only big flaw in my opinion is you have to waste notch space to see yourself on the map. But other than that, PLEASE give this game a try.

3D World: I like this. I think it's got that Super Mario Galaxy vibe where it just throws new ideas and concepts at you each level, so I'm assuming the fun value of that varies per person. It's definitely alot more fun with friends though, mostly for the absolute chaos and hectivity. I think we need more 3D platformers with multiplayer, and the fact that it has online is a major plus.

Bowser's Fury: I have very mixed feelings about this game. I'm going to split up my thoughts of this game into Pros and Cons

• It's really nice to see Bowser Jr in a main role, and it's nice to have a game without Peach at all.
• I really love having powerups in this more open-ended Mario game. With games like 64 and Galaxy, most of them worked on a time limit so it's nice to see them actually brought in efficiently, and the storage mechanic isn't bad either.
• I like that all the Cat Shines were visible on the map compared to Odyssey where you just had to figure out where the egregiously hidden moons are.
• I like the darker atmosphere of this game, Bowser in his Fury state looks cool and the boss fights are legitimately the best in the mainline series.
• The game looks gorgeous, and the cat theming on the enemies is pretty cute. The just-straight-up-actual cats are even cuter though especially the Mama Cat and her kittens.
• Sure, the level is big and expansive but this game is still using the 3D World engine, and the control scheme mostly suffers from it. It would really benefit having a health bar and to fly upwards when you hit lava instead of just dying on the spot. Also imagine a 3D Mario game with no triple jump. Not fun.
• This might be the biggest problem with this game: Bowser in his Fury Mode. It affects the game HEAVILY. It's sort of cool sometimes, he makes platforms for you and of course he goes away pretty quickly if you collect a Cat Shine, but there's almost no way to tell when he's going to go into his Fury Mode. Sure, you can look at him and how high he is gives you an indication, and of course when it starts raining it means he's going to turn in seconds, but it would be much more beneficial if there was some sort of meter, akin to the moon from Majora's Mask. Once he goes Fury Mode, however, it's inconsistent how long he'll be in that form. Sometimes he'll just leave on his own accord, but other times he won't go away until you get a Cat Shine. Even then, sometimes he'll turn just moments after collecting one.
You also need Bowser to collect specific Cat Shines hidden behind Bowser Blocks. Of course, that brings up the matter of waiting for him to turn so he can break specific Bowser Blocks to collect the Shines behind them, but then he slinks back into the ocean, and then you have to wait AGAIN for him to come out to break a different set of Bowser Blocks, and so on. As stated before, sometimes he'll go away on his own and sometimes he won't, and when he doesn't go away on his own it can make whatever mission you decide to collect intensely annoying, what with him blasting his fire breath at you, pillars and platforms spawning up, and fire raining from the sky. Closer to when you unlock the Golden Bell, the Shines will stop working on Bowser so you have to just make a mad dash to collect any you missed. Did I mention there are some Shines you CAN'T get with Bowser in his Fury Mode?

All in all, Bowser's Fury was a decent time but I'm more interested in the potential it has. The aesthetics, the music, and most of the gameplay elements are great. It very much feels like a short side thing or a test to something new they can do with Mario, and I really like that. I want them to take all the things that worked here, and make a game that's even better.

So you take out Trophies, Coin Launcher, Custom Moves, Target Smash, and Subspace Emissary, and give us World of Light? Thanks for Banjo Kazooie, but fuck you

Solid game, I have a lot of fun every time I play it. I don't really have too much to say about it honestly except I guess, I love Yoshi and I fuck Chocolate Island.

This game is hella grimy looking but it's still pretty fun honestly. It has tons of personality, and I like a lot of things that it does. Is that nostalgia talking? Yes it is. But there's a reason to this day people want the Subspace Emissary brought back.

I liked it enough. I'm not too knowledgeable on visual novels or dating sims to make a super in-depth analysis. I don't know how much "subverting the genre" it did but it did what it did well. I liked the ending a lot and its something I wish more games would try. As is stands though, It's only really good for a one-time play going in completely blind. Which unfortunately is pretty impossible at this point.

I swear to god I would have gotten farther but the day and night transitions are always fuck me up it CHANGES THE WHOLE COLOR SCHEME ITS DISTRACTING

Absolutely balling experience on everything except Golf. I know the phrase "fun for the whole family" is cliche, but once you see your Great Grandma on Wii Bowling you can't use any other phrase.