I beat this once, haven't touched it since. Don't remember much of it but I remember it was forgettable. also it hasn't aged well.

This game looks great and plays decently solo. but its a bit too clunky and multiplayer is a pain in the ass as you have to jump into other players worlds mid level rather than group play. this game is a bit too antiquated for the time period it was released, especially considering this is a Capcom game. the Monster Hunter franchise wasn't super popular when this game came out and it really popped off so hopefully they'll spend more time polishing the mechanics in later releases.

game is fire, and there is a playerbase still today. thats pretty awesome.

this game is epic even in 2023... use a guide.

story mode is just a movie no gameplay. good movie but forgettable. gameplay is sick.

story mode is a little too long and fluffed out but a killer experience.

cool enough story to justify a sequel but get the complete edition as the launch has issues.

a worthy multiplayer experience but not worth for the story alone.

Play with mods on nexus mod manager, it will breath new life into this game.

This game's reputation precedes itself, its definitely a fun experience. modding it is so fun that you can forget to play it, and yet its probably the worst when compared to oblivion and morrowind, honestly its wild.

the ending isn't nearly as good as Bioshock, but the game play is pretty fun all the same.

Story: FIRE.
Pipe hacking: FIRE.
core gameplay: passable.
skills: cool.
visuals: outdated.

short and sweet, love the cake.

At times I tell myself this can't be the best zelda game as its missing X Y and Z, at other times I recognize it as a near perfect game, eventually I began to realize that being more of a 'zelda game' means being a worse game.

A slog to get through, looks good plays rough and feels liminoid.