Finished all bosses through Isle 2 before abandoning. This game lives on aesthetic, and dies on gameplay. I think the game would've been better as more of a Megaman clone rather than a boss rush game. Fighting boss after boss after boss got tiresome for me and thus lead me to abandoning it. Obviously really well made and I can see why it has its fans, but ultimately it fell short for me.

Hugely disappointing game for me, as somebody who Platinumed the first 2 games. The story was trash, the planets weren't all that interesting, and the constant rotating of the Map menu based on your direction makes navigation an absolute nightmare. The character tree changes were good and the sound effects on the guns were awesome, but overall this game was very disappointing for me. Maybe I'll come back to it during a lull, but the consensus amongst the dos2-crew was that it was a disappointing sequel.

The change to a more open-world structure and higher focus on crafting/survival mechanics eventually wore me down and left me bailing on this game about 75% of the way through. The story wasn't as interesting as the first one and couldn't carry me through to the end.

My first Trackmania game. Really enjoyed it and would still be playing to this day if the Giantbomb server didn't die 3 weeks after release.

Super chill card game with a Victorian-era story a la Pride and Prejudice or Bridgerton. Fun to play when winding down for the evening and watching TV.


Game is fine, but it's plagued with technical problems. Tries to capture the magic of PS2-era 3D platformers, but never does anything interesting enough to break out of the shadows of the greats.

Really fun baseball game that doesn't take itself too seriously, but allows players to take it as seriously as they want. Reminded me of my Slugfest 2004 days.

Fun puzzle game that got too difficult for its own good. I got to the last chapter of levels before quitting.

This game is really cool and has some interesting mechanics with how time works. The puzzles are fun and the story is interesting, with some plot twists that, while obvious, are still well done. A good companion piece to Seven and a Half Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle (which I read about 6 months before playing this).

Fun Uncharted clone. Lara is a good character and the action set pieces are well done. The bow is fun to use, but the game pretty much requires you to use guns over it about halfway through the game. Would've liked it more if more focus was spent on Tombs rather than firefights, but a well-made game that I would recommend to people.

Masterpiece. No game has married the gameplay and storytelling of a detective better than this. Each of the 60 crewmates story is so well told, and it's all done entirely through 15-30s vignettes and the rest is up to you to figure out. A Top 10 game of all time.

Super short puzzle/platformer. Game is just kinda meh in every aspect. Definitely meant more for a younger audience, but I would recommend many other games for that demographic before this one.


A pretty adventure/puzzler whose story hits fairly hard at the end when everything gets re-contextualized. I'm a sucker for environmental puzzle games so this one was right up my alley. Not incredible, but well done enough and kept me engaged.

Really good PnC game. I don't remember many specifics of the plot, but the puzzles were well done and the personality profile aspect was interesting, if not fully realized.

Unexpectedly good. Thought it was gonna be just a dick around for a few hours type of game, but the puzzles and platforming were actually fun to play. Played with part of the dos2-crew for a couple of weeks and got through about half of the game before abandoning due to a crewmate's expired XGP sub.