Even knowing the ending will not prepare you for it.

What a beautiful game this is, with one of the best, if not the best, turn based combat systems.

I could write more, so much more, about the characters and how much I love them, but I think I'll quote my favs instead:

"There is no need for fear. Kimahri will go with you" (it is very important that Kimahri goes with you, trust me, he's the best).

"You don't have to smile, if it's too tough."


The good thing about being lost in this game is it usually means you’ll find SOMETHING hidden somewhere.

But whoever worked on the wall jumping mechanic here, we are not friends. You are not my friend. You are now my sworn enemy, in fact.

Great game, though, despite me sucking at it.


pew pew pew GUTS BLOOD GORE


I don't remember a single plot point, but who gives a fuck while you're slaying demons from hell to Mick Gordon.

Is it a perfect game? I don't know. There's hiccups here and there.

But also, I am in mini game hell and I couldn't be happier.

Because look at my friends. I missed them so. They love each other. So much. And I love them. What beautiful characters this game gave us.

Plus, I've been spending the last week thinking about it and sending my friends endless essays while receiving the same, and really, part of the beauty is getting to talk about it with them.

So yeah, actually, a perfect game to me.

I am never getting my time back from this game.

Recommend if you want to look for new friends, not the ones you play this game with, but like if you want to get rid of those ones give them this game.

My best friend gifted me this...




you get chased by a giant woman trying to kill you, what more could I want?

on the real, I wish certain sections of the game were longer, it feels like it breezes through the first three "houses" you go through.

But I still had a lot of fun.

And pick up the herb

You can pet the Mui and cry, I did both, beautiful game all around

Did you know that Supergiant can make you emotional about a sword?

A small team able to work wonders, I'll be a fan forever.

Also, again, Darren Korb deserves so much more recognition.

I got to play as a spiky turtle and a blob at one point and that automatically makes it a good game even though I was really bad at it

Such an improvement from ARR in terms of how the plot flows, questlines, and voice acting.

I fear that I care about these characters very much now.

Miles Morales continues to be an absolutely amazing Spider-Man. We don’t deserve him and thankfully he doesn’t care about that.

And I still love Peter Parker.

The side missions are the best parts of the game though.

I have complicated feelings about the moon now

Fuck the banquest but I still think it was a fun ride overall, even if a lil rough here and there.

I mean, I now have chocobo named Chomper, what more can I ask for?

You’re just a lil guy with a hammer and yet you were capable of making me cry.

Darren Korb deserves more recognition for his music.