the story is so melodramatic and stupid with the "kids against mean adults" but to be fair if I was a kid Id eat it up. I suppose Im just incredibly irritated by the unhealthy escapism this game indirectly promotes (I know it's a game but it takes like 300 hours of your life, that leaves a mark) and cult-like vibes of it, by which I mean the "everyone around you unfairly hates you and the only people who show you any sort of respect and sense of purpose is this isolated friend group that doesnt let anyone in unless you participate in the dangerous mind-robbing for some delusion of grandeur and selfproclaimed morality." The writing just tackles these incredibly sensitive and complex topics of abuse in a simple-minded, shounen-anime way. The combat and day-to-day activities are however undeniably miles ahead of the other personas, it's fantastic in that way


seriously, I've waited for almost 10 years to be finally able to play this game AND HERE WE ARE. I've always known that if the stars ever aligned and I got my hands on a PS, it would be, more than anything, to play Bloodborne. And just as I hoped and heard, it is a joy, nay, an honor, to be able to finally explore this world. As I'm still playing, it would be impossible for me to summarize just what makes it tick for me (and for countless other gamers), and truth be told, as it's only my second souls game (if you count me abandoning DS1 about 10%(to my defense, I was playing with a keyboard and a mouse :S)), I don't even dare to. Therefore, outside of the stunning dark Victorian setting and a surprisingly story-soaked environment, I can't exactly formulate what makes the game so great, but I can sure as heck feel it in my bones and in my heart! However I do know that it is exciting and beautiful around every corner and more importantly, fair and manageable, almost meditative, and I love it to hell and back.

one of my new favorites, exactly up my alley


hera are some fun builds I adore:

Hera Bow
- Ares attack, Aphrodite Cast, Ares Aphrodite Duo Boon

Chiron Bow
- Aphrodite Attack, Artemis Special, Their Duo Boon, Piercing Relentless Concentrated Volley


simply not a game for me, the combat system didn't sit right with me and the tragic parts of the story didn't compensate for how dull I found the cute parts, it is definitely a great game if you enjoy either the gameplay or atmosphere and characters

the copy I owned as a kid was corrupted and I couldn't get pass the 3rd year, still one of my favorite games to constantly replay

made me into a full-fledged streamer

ignored it during its initiall hype but really got into it once I got spoiled on the evil route

gave my dad a presentation at 13 explaining why I needed this game, taught ne how to play shooters

amazing but the 22min cycle really wasn't meant for me

wanted to play it for 7 years, finally got it on sale, took me 3 days to install, played for 5 days straight, never picked it up again

an incredibly relaxing experience for some reason, love Mr X

save scumming makes this a relaxing expliration game 10/10

thanks to BDG and this game I discovered that I love "Get Gud but Gentrly" Games