Left off on what I think was the final boss on episode 3.

Does some cool things but difficulty is such that even with cranking up things meant to help, it’s to the point of not being fun.

Was cool to that point though!

this owns

feels great to play, rewind mechanics are used in interesting ways, writing is entertaining

What a tremendous game.

Gorgeous art direction, fun characters, farming tying directly into how you progress and damn fine combat.

No need to reinvent the wheel. Solid, short take on the souls-like genre.

Really liked how each shell allows the player to tailor play to a preferred style without having to spend time on levelling and respecs, with abilities allowing for finer tuning.

Item effects being unknown on first use and becoming more effective as you use them is cool, wish it had more space to breathe here. There aren't enough items to really have it keep an interesting pace, most you'll use and max out within the first 30 minutes.

neat mechanical concept paired with great art and music sadly aren't enough to carry an otherwise mid game

an easier 1CC but a good time.

it’s interesting playing Terarin’s games as they all focus in on and expand on shared mechanics. I’m playing out of release order but it’s cool to see the pieces as they come together

the most interesting game Sony has released since the PS3

remember when people (wrongfully) voted for grow home instead of this?

Talk about a climactic final battle.

PAYOFF: the game. Only, it's more than just that, it's chock full of game to play, it feels the best it has to this point, and all but wraps the story started in the prior games.

There is so much going on in this game, I am here for it.


Knowing what’s coming isn’t everything.