Tbh, this game was so relaxing to play through. The Pokemon GO catching mechanics weren't the best.

While it can be fun to try to beat some random creator's sadistic level, there's something to be said for the carefully crafted and curated levels in other Mario games.

If I learned anything from this game, it's that Luigi is so slept on and I'm happy that we have this series to give him some time in the limelight.

Pro: Each level felt like a charming diorama you'd make in elementary school.
Con: Some of the puzzles and boss fights were annoying AF.

This game is so damn charming and relaxing. I just wish it wasn't so shallow after a while.

Also, where's all of the themed furniture sets (modern set, mushroom set, etc) like in the older games?

The tone and humor haven't aged very well tbh. On the other hand, it's a stylish game throughout.

I do applaud Suda51 for being such a brave and unique developer. I'm glad we get to experience his games, even if they aren't always the best.

I miss hearing that Genki Rockets song that you hear in the video rental shop :/

Short and sweet just like those animals.

Amazing Mario game, but some of the worlds felt really small.

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When will the dommy mommy vampire turn me into a vampire?

On a serious note, I played this game obsessively until completion. I'm a sucker for gothic horror and that theme works so well for Resident Evil. I wish they'd try it out more often.

Music: The Resident Evil series isn't known for its soundtracks, and this game hasn't changed that. The save room themes are cozy and offer a nice spot of respite though.

Bosses: After fighting every boss multiple times, I'd say the Dimitrescu fight was the most lackluster of the bunch. Her base design is menacing enough, so why did they have her transform into a cliche RE tentacle monster thing? The Heisenberg fight also felt like a safe choice too.

Gameplay: Top-notch. I really love the arsenal of weapons you get in this game. They do a great job of sticking to the principle of being rewarded for conquering the horrors by making subsequent playthroughs easier and wackier - a principle that almost every RE game adheres to.

I honestly believe this is one of the best RE games yet.

I played through it on easy mode, but it wouldn't let me fight the last boss WTF.

Great OST and art design though. Really clever team behind this game.

Some tracks are God tier (Shinin'), others haven't aged so well...

I played this game incessantly in 2016. Now I boot it up, get excited about my farm, realize that I forgot how to do anything in this game, get overwhelmed, then play something else...

I don't have the energy to collect Korok poops, but I
completed every shrine. So yes I believe I mastered this game thank you very much.


Aesthetically amazing, especially the in-game manual mechanic, but the combat was so lackluster, which doesn’t justify the difficulty.

Atmosphere. Lore. Music. Gameplay. It's all as great as it was in 2011. The sound on the Switch version though? Not the same as you remembered it. It's noticeably crunchy and tinny sometimes.