BRASIL!!! então. i really wanted to have enjoyed this game more but unfortunately it wasn't for me. the controls seem innovative and interesting at first but when the game starts to demand more precise and quick movement it becomes sooo frustrating, and as a metroidvania i think it lacked a lot in exploration and more engaging power ups. the map system is obviously very bad in terms of, you know, locating things and knowing where you are, so it creates frustration on the player once again.

talking about pros; the pixel art in this game is really beautiful, one of the best i've seen, and it really shows its glory during boss fights. about the boss fights: they are a spectacle visually but dont offer that much in terms of gameplay, and the final final boss, tormenta, was an enormous pain in the ass. eldar was pretty fun tho even if too easy.

being brazilian myself i admire the efforts and inspiration the devs took in brazilian folclore and history, but i can't recommend this as more than a decent attempt at metroidvania. when you have already experienced the GOAT modern adaptation of this genre in hollow knight, it's really difficult to enjoy other games that dont do it as well as HK, i guess.

also: eldar is pretty hot right???

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Well, I know I'll be in the minority here but I found the true ending to be a bit disappointing, it definitely wasn't as satisfactory as I thought it would be. Like, it was fun to put the pieces together from each playthrough but you can easily deduce what's going on if you've been paying attention. The narrative is not very subtle. And because of that, the so-called great twist didn't really impress me.
The payoff of the two big mysteries; Zero's identity and Alice, were pretty underwhelming. By the end of the safe ending, I already knew that Zero could only be Santa or June by process of elimination. And about Alice... why on earth would you build up such an interesting and mysterious character if she doesn't matter at all in the end? Idk. I also found the puzzles to be pretty annoying for the most part.
If I had played this VN 10 years ago maybe I would've thought that it was incredible, but this kind of story simply doesn't surprise me anymore.

Unfortunately RE3R is a lazy remake. More action than needed, less survival horror and too short with a lot of recycled stuff. It offers a decent first playthrough but thats it. Almost no replayability, no extra content, no mercenaries mode. Instead, we have a boring and poorly designed online multiplayer that I'm not even bothering trying. Sigh.
It is not a bad game at all, but it's a damn shame how much content was cut from the original RE3. They failed to replicate what made Resident Evil 3 special and that is so disappointing considering how good RE2's remake was.

I really tried to enjoy the story since it was looking like the writing was going to be actually good this time, but I ended up missing the charm and mystery of the first game.

LIS 2 just ends up looking like a poor attempt at social commentary. It wants to make you feel so bad about two mexican kids fleeing the US in a time of open racism but fails to acknowledge them and forgets to treat them as actual people. I'm just glad I was able to finish it and move on with my life to be honest.

didn't expect to be playing as doomfist in a resident evil game, this was so goofy and fun

this dlc was okayish but chris punching things will never not be satisfying

The game that made me fall in love with immersive sims. Since I just finished a new playthrough I guess now is as good a time as any to finally write a review about it, or something more like a love letter of sorts. There is just something special about Dishonored... maybe it's the subtlely of the world building and level design, the mysterious atmosphere of Dunwall City, or the hilarious dialogue between the guards... all of it and a lot more. It's always a safe place to comeback whenever I need it. Funny how a place so miserable can bring me so much joy. This game seems to check all my weird fantasy wishlist and I love it so much. Arkane Studios are fucking awesome.

The narrator of Stanley Parable is one of the best things to ever exist in all of gaming

Dead Cells is a beautiful rogue-lite with one of the best and most fluid combat I've ever seen. Would definitely recommend this to anyone who is not turned off by roguelike elements. Seriously, play it and if you perservere enough, you'll be able to make the final boss your bitch. I sure did. It's a bit too grindy for my taste but the gameplay loop is very satisfying.

Yeah, Hitman 3 is really good. I loved how the levels are more connected with the story this time around, bringing a more intimate feeling. They are also extremely different in how your approach your objetives and each location is very unique. This really felt like a dramatic conclusion in the series.

Level design is still great and what you would expect from IOI, it continues too push the boundaries of what can be done with systems and AI. They did a fantastic job with this trilogy and the 007 project couldn't be in better hands.

I already knew this game wasn't very good from the start but holy mother of God, I didn't expect it to be this bad. I mean, Until Dawn, with all it's flaws, was such a fun game! But Man of Medan is just... so uninspired and dull. For something that relies so much on it's story and narrative you would expect a little more effort put into it.

This first chapter in the Dark Pictures anthology brings absolutely nothing new and is a massive downgrade, even mechanically, compared to an interactive movie released 4 years before. Great stuff.

A good game that doesn't do anything special to improve on it's predecessor. The story is underwhelming to be honest and it really lacks in enemy variety and boss fights, all missions feel the same and it gets repetitive very quickly. A lot of people are arguing that the combat is improved in this game because of Miles' abilities but I don't think it's fair to compare him with Peter since they are two different characters. It's not an "upgrade", but a nice change anyway.

Nice little spin-off but I expect way more from Spider-Man 2.

Who would've thought that a game as simple as this could be so fun? It's frustrating how the social aspect of video games is so underused, games like Among Us and Fall Guys are such a breath of fresh air in an industry so obssessed with more "mature" themes and stories. I want to have that boardgame feeling with my friends more often.