Maybe the best Resident Evil. Loved how Capcom were able the reinvent the series after that bad period. It's a modern horror game similar to PT but that also took inspiration from the original RE games. And first person is definitely the way too go, it's obviously the best perspective for the horror genre. The only thing that bothered me a bit was the combat, I hope it gets better in RE Village.

Crash 1: infuriating and the most frustrating platformer I've ever played. The hitbox is bullshit and most levels are just not fun at all.
Crash 2: waaaaay better. an actual fun game with some good levels.
Crash 3: the best one by far with the most creative levels and way less infuriating shit.
I love 3D platformers but these Crash games really tested me. Platforming is sometimes so bad that it's impossible to actually see how long or short your jump will need to be. The camera angles are here to drive you insane. Annoying controls, inconsistent hitboxes and interactions are everywhere.
I would just recommend to maybe stay away from the first game if you want to stay sane.

It's a pretty fun game and I'm happy for an original take on the Battle Royale genre. But atm I think it lacks content and players will get tired quickly. You play the same levels all the time. Some levels are too easy, others almost completely random. It's really frustrating to get a cheap loss because someone blocked your way, stumbled on you or because the weird physics wouldn't allow your character to get up.
Slime Climb and Hex-a-gone are awesome levels tho.

Original and creverly designed. One of the most fun experiences that I've had in online multiplayer. This is Nintendo at their best.

Oh boy. What were they thinking? Did Nintendo forget that Mario Party is a board game first of all? There are only four boards in total and they are all so small and uninspired. The design of these boards is also pretty bad. You can easily traverse the entire thing in one round and buy stars for only 10 coins. There is barely any strategy to be played. This game is so disappointing.

I'm happy that Nintendo came back to the old formula but this was a very lazy entry in the franchise. The only good thing here are the minigames, and you have 80 of them. Too bad you can only play a handful online tho, the multiplayer advertising was also very misleading.

I hope they make a better Mario Party game soon, building in the foundations of this one. Shame I had to pay for a full game that feels more like a prototype of something that may be good in the future.

Completed the campaign. Can confirm it's pretty good.

I know this game gets a lot o shit nowadays, and rightfully so. Content drop has been disappointing and balance became a nightmare after so many new heroes been added. It doesn't help that the developers are more concerned with the competitive scene than the actual player base.

But still, at it's core it's a really fun, colorful and well designed shooter with strong moba elements and a diverse cast of characters full of personality. OW was one of the first games I bought after getting my PS4 and my first actual big online multiplayer experience. I met some great friends because of it and still play today. Let's not forget how everyone loved it in 2016 and hope OW2 can bring that magic back.

The best story in the trilogy. Also love the art direction and locations.

This game is bad. I can imagine playing co-op should be fun but the single-player experience is appalling. The AI companion is unbearable and completely ruined it for me. Not that the game was great apart from that, everything is so uninspired and dull. The worst RE so far. Chris punched a boulder lol

Good fun and solid gameplay but it got repetitive very quickly.


Visual and atmospheric storytelling at it's best. Beautiful art and music. Definitely didn't cry at the end.

The most cooperative co-op game I've ever played. So much fun.

Yeah, I think everyone can agree that TLOU2 is far from perfect and the overall narrative and themes are inconsistent at times, disconnected from each other, even. The story is way more ambitious and less focused than the first game and I think that was the biggest problem. It definitely doesn't have the same charm or character development as good as in TLOU1. Combat and gameplay loop are better and that is expected, the areas are way bigger and more open this time but the exploration is not very rewarding and ends up hurting the pacing a lot. I think I just prefer these type of games to be more linear.
I don't think this game can be called a masterpiece like the first one but it came very close. Since the narrative is a lot, lot more complex and complicated to implement, that is impressive af if you ask me. Cinematic games fo life don't at me

The way we are meant to consume these Hitman games is quite interesting. You can complete the entire campaing for the first time in like five hours and be left a bit underwhelming, but really it's the repetition of those levels that give players that Itch. Exploring every scenario possible and gaining mastery of each location is extremely satisfying. To be honest I've never experienced a single-player game that is so replayable. Hitman 2016 was an amazing "reboot" in the series and IO undertood that they didn't need to change much. Gameplay is more of the same with some good improvements and welcome additions. Level design and polishment are even more ambitious and impressive than it's predecessor.

I know that story isn't really that important in Hitman games but as a negative I must mention that the cutscenes are really weird and not engaging to watch. I am aware the developers were heavily understaffed after Square Enix left and that could be the reason.

I still haven't tried the multiplayer modes but they look very interesting. I'm still amazed with how much content these games have to offer.

The iconic game that started it all. An instant classic. Being new to RE myself this was an amazing starting point and great expericence, even for 2020. The constant backtracking and inventory system were quite annoying, but it's a game from 1996 so I dont think it's really fair to criticise compared to today's standards. It's a survival horror, The survival horror, and it does it perfectly. All the silliness and cheesy dialogue add to the charm, it's really fun. I like when horror is cliché and campy sometimes.
The way this remake improves on the original RE with new content and new surprises for veteran players is absolutely amazing. It does everything a remake should.
Couldn't be more excited to play the remake of RE2.