229 Reviews liked by facing_w0rlds

sometimes when I think too hard about this game I want to throw up and cry

A broken, obtuse and overly difficult game with a lot of charm and variety. Despite it's issues and the levels I could never hope to finish for many good reasons, I enjoyed playing this game a lot. It was super cool to find new forms, inhabit them, and abuse them to your own ends. It was worth putting up with some serious jank.

the story is dogwater but the experience and journey you get from this is truly magnificent. wish there were more lynel, coolest beasts to ever grace video gaming

i made damn sure this was my first VR game and boy what a first impression. i was thinking ''this must be the chemical you get before you die'' yeah honestly felt like my brain was warped into this. too bad i bought it on my cousins VR otherwise i wouldve beaten it a while ago. cant play standard rez without the headset now lmao

Just shut the fuck up and take lives, you silly wee bitch.

Honestly might be my favorite licensed game of all time. (I'm so sorry DuckTales Remastered)

The magnum opus of Telltale Games, SBCG4AP captures everything great about Homestar Runner across all 5 episodes of this wonderful point and click adventure.

Very strong opening, and a very important action game, but as it goes on it gets more gimmicky, the enemies get more health spongy and the combat doesnt remain as interesting. Still good and wouldve blown my mind in 2005, but hasnt aged the best

While ninja gaiden black successfully straddled a very dangerous balance between thoughtful challenge and over-the-top nonsense, this game forgets the balance entirely. It’s so over-the-top with nothing else going for it that it quickly loops around to underwhelming and boring.

An unfortunate buggy mess. The developers tried, but it's clear that they were unable to copy Insomniac's success. Some level concepts were cool, and the soundtrack is still decent (not Stewart Copeland's best though). It had potential, but was unfortunately crippled likely due to poor decision making from higher-ups.

A fun, if short adventure game. The graphics are charming, and the voice acting and humor are great. It has some pretty cryptic puzzles, as is common in these early point and click games. I'd recommend using a guide if you want to make much progress. It definitely got me interested in exploring other areas of the Sam and Max franchise though.

One night while I'm in the shower, the door gets knocked and I hear my dad shout "WHAT WAS THAT SHOOTING GAME I SAW ON THE TELLY?". After some confusing and loud back and forth, I realise it's this and tell him. "THANK YOU" is all I hear. The next day the game arrives. He'd immediately went on Amazon and got it for himself.

"Can you set up the virtual reality?"

I oblige, and he commandeers my chair, TV, and console for three solid hours. I spent a wee part of this time lying on the bed browsing my phone, listening to the game and looking up whenever he was getting particularly heated. He was having an absolute blast, and eventually I was enjoying just watching him experience this thing. You might say he was truly "In a world".

He so quickly went from weird arm flailing to precision reloads and headshots with shite one-liners. I watched my almost 60 year old dad become a real SAS dude. Childlike wonder from him experiencing full immersion, accompanied by patter like "Through his fuckin' eye" and "Go to sleep forever". At one point he was hanging from a window ledge 100 feet up on a building site, he drops one hand to his pistol, shoots a dude through the opening, leans in and grabs the fella's vape, takes a puff, chucks it and keeps climbing.

I barely remember what the game was about, but the live show I got to enjoy over three nights was incredible.

Everyone is now a skeleton.