This was probably the highest quality game I had as a kid, and man I remember being absolutely blown away by some of its gimmicks.

This game feels like the original Goat Simulator if it got help for its addiction but was still charismatic and funny. How beautiful is it that a sequel to a game with no plot can say so much.

Firewatch's moments of tense situations were really compelling and the few freak-outs captured that dread everyone knows. The ambience of walking from the watchtower to wherever was super nice, too. My games frame rate and animations made me surprisingly motion sick, and I struggle a lot with directions - but those issues are probably more on me.

I adored Hi-Fi Rush, and I'm mad at myself that it took me this long to get around to it. It's so clear that every element of this game was crafted with love which is something that is becoming more and more rare. I am so looking forward to playing more AA games with similar scopes as this one.

Sayonara Wild Hearts is a pretty game in such an unconventional way. In comparison to a music video, the idea of making a game to compliment an album (or vice versa) is such a fun gimmick and it visualises the themes of the record in a cool way.

Shortly after I moved out of home, I bought this game for my 3DS, and I don't think there's a better game I could have chosen for that period in my life. I'll never forget the way it distracted me from my home sickness.

I really loved this DLC - I might argue that I preferred it to the base game. I'm not sure what it is, but the concept of creativity with restrictions really appeals to me and Happy Home Paradise thrives under that logic. I have fond memories making countless beautiful and unique house interiors. This expansion also distracted me a lot in the midst of my lowest low, so that probably attributes my fondness towards it.

As someone who started GTA Online well after its launch, this game was a confusing mess - but I saw the potential it had if i just gave it time and effort. Eventually I had a good grasp of the amount of content thanks to friends who played it with me, but that doesn't fix the fact that GTAO has a serious issue with how it presents the player with content. The content itself is of high quality for the most part, with engaging heists and compelling fan service, and the premise of playing GTA with friends is enough of a selling point.

This wasn't the first Smash game I ever played, but it was the first I ever owned, and the sheer amount of content and things to do in this game absolutely shocked me. Tbh I haven't gone back to it since Ultimate came out which is a shame.

I know, it's a silly game to review - but this game was shockingly special. When quarantine restrictions were starting to lift in Australia, people were allowed to exercise / interact with one other person outside, and my friend and I would play this game a lot. It's ridiculously simple, but it's charming and works well. I'll always cherish it in a funny way.

Red Dead Redemption is a game I would always lie about having played and preferring to it's sequel, so when I was very relieved when I finally got the chance to play it and DID prefer it to RDR2. For its time, Red Dead Redemption was truly something special, and I believe it's morally grey philosophies stand as some of the best the gaming industry has ever had.

For someone who (at the time) was exclusively playing on the Wii U, Splatoon was such a contrast to anything else I had played on it. This blend between Nintendo's style and creativity and a third person shooter is phenomenal. When disregarding the other two 'slightly' better successors, the campaign is unique and an interesting mode to play when you get bored. I usually don't advocate for live service products, but I do genuinely think Splatoon could have benefited from more post-launch content to add to its potential.

Donut County may be the cutest and sweetest game I've played yet. Everything from the writing to the gameplay to the music is wholesome and playful. The gameplay loop is genius and keeps things fresh with every level adding new gimmicks.

Astro's Playroom is the ultimate game to play whilst something is downloading - and that's how it started for me until it really clicked with me. This is such a harmless and charming game, and it might be one of the most fun Platinums I've ever gotten.

Written 13/1/23
The Finals is such a hit or miss game. The gameplay feels so smooth and the core mechanics have so much potential, but a severe lack of content outside of a few modes make it get very repetitive after a short amount of time. The weapons and items feel really good to use, but the UI is frankly terrible. Some may call this nit-picky, but the use of AI for the voices is a disservice to the games industry and makes me concerned for the future.