Getting back into this. I love this game but have played a ton more deck builders since putting it down. No idea what the 4th character even is.

Update - beating ass now

I beat this game and felt no release for having invested my time in embracing this franchise. 4 is going to be dog shit and I'm going to play it.

I don't know why I bought this. I do not like this.

I beat this game because I needed something to play in front of my kid. Not that she's always watching games, it's just nice to have the options. It was pretty good and I wound up playing on easy mode.

Got a pro controller because the gameplay on this and hotline miami made me insane. Haven't picked it up since I copped though.

I didn't mind what I played of this but it's not really my speed. In terms of an open world game I'd try again though, this is up there.

Will pick this back up now that there's a PS5 update
- and a sequel before September

too disorienting spatially, not fun for me, but is definitely super cool.

This is fun, just played for a bit but would give it another shot.

Very pleasant. Played with my daughter when she was 3.

Would be way more fun if it was randomized. The rules for advancing through episodes can be huge and it would be nice to feel like you're mastering rules rather than the enemy order you'll take on. I do really like the game conceptually and the art style/music rocks.

This game beats ass and is underrated. Glad it was free on ps+ or I never would have played.

I bought the ultimate edition for PS5 so will definitely do another playthough. Loved it.

I can't do the draw system anymore. I had a lot of fondness for this game, but replaying it kind of ruins it. Stopped at Brothers in this playthrough, but I'll probably never pick it back up.

Going to restart this, but picked it up and jumped in between games

- Eventide is on PS+, great time to try again