The preeminent Fantasy Role-Playing Game.

The Tonka Truck version of Panzer Dragoon.

Necessary for rail shooter heads.

Required reading for zoomers.

really fresh take on a 3d platformer character controller, the wall kicks in particular are nasty stuff (positive connotation).

adding a map was the right choice in the long run i think - even if i didn't need a map so much as a guide to remind me to go back to a certain place i hadn't considered after several loops of the game world.

you shoulda seen some of the tricks i pulled to get where i wasn't supposed to be yet. i did everything except for one of the switches for the theater key without getting a certain extremely useful powerup

The Devil Daggers of Wolfenstein 3D; or, Anxiety: The Comic Book: The Arcade Game.

Paced like a hardcore EP, with mechanical nods to indie trends (retro FPS, roguelite) that don't feel derivative in the slightest, this game is for anyone who's parents asked them to "turn that music down, for the love of god".

the most damning thing i could say about this game is that watching the e3 demo would be a better use of your time

The real Doom 3. Cheekiest level design in the series, spattered with colored lighting in a manner akin to a college sophomore decorating their dorm with Amazon-ordered LED strips.

The best Bubsy game.
I miss Arcane Kids.

Delicious, smooth, goes down easy. Solidly in the upper echelon of retro shooters.

Really great concept that's too obsessed with its own levels.

Requiring so many replays per level obliterates the pacing.

A melancholy Victorian ghost story told through a simple adventure game. If you read the item descriptions in Dark Souls, this one's for you.

Dude. No. Dude. Think about it. Isn't it crazy how like - no - like - the guy in the game - he tells you what to do, right? And then you - you have to do it! Man! That's so wild. Video games, huh?

Overcomplicated with upgrade systems, underserved by bare level design. Plays well enough, though.

I consider myself to be pretty skilled at video games. I've played arcade racers most of my life. However.
I don't understand how more people don't talk about how absolutely bull-shit tough this game is. I respect the hell out of the design, and the mechanics - but the other racers are just too perfect, man. I can't.

If you're looking for "heart", you'll find it in the demon negotiations.