the video game equivalent of asking you to spell "icup" out loud

daxter is the kind of guy to get cancelled in 2020 for a tweet he made in 2011

If you're in eighth grade, I cannot recommend this game enough.

A post-irony-poisoned gag reflex manifesting as a pointed, challenging stealth shooter which appears at first as a strange, clunky, misshapen beast. Climb into its jaws, and lose your fucking mind.


Finally, a video game written and acted by people who've seen a fucking play.

I want some renegade indie developers to mod this game so that you shoot a bunch of monsters in it, just to make a statement.

It's nearly impossible to play this game without being sucked into the lumpy, spongey combat, somehow. Why bother going out there to explore and discover new things, if all that's really out there is a bunch of people waiting to be shot fifteen times before flopping over?

Lego Elden Ring
Doesn't somehow rise above the stat scaling plateau issue or surface level combat of the previous game, but it sure as hell doesn't need to. Lots of pure joy in this thing.

A dollhouse for the modern age, apparently playtested by Zen masters with infinite patience.

Anyone who doesn't give this 5 stars clearly didn't play the version with the original soundtrack.

The best couch co-op action-puzzle experience since Portal 2, hamstrung by truly mind-boggling writing.

Don't play Black Mesa "instead".

The Devil Daggers of Wolfenstein 3D; or, Anxiety: The Comic Book: The Arcade Game.

Paced like a hardcore EP, with mechanical nods to indie trends (retro FPS, roguelite) that don't feel derivative in the slightest, this game is for anyone who's parents asked them to "turn that music down, for the love of god".