Games with untouchable artstyles OR music

These games are very nice to look at, very nice to listen to, or both.

The DBZ of Sonic games, I'm not sure why there's both an American and Japanese/European OST but one sounds amazing and the other sounds like fart butt 90% of the time. Hint: It's the Japanese one that sounds amazing.
I think this is the best looking multiplayer FPS I've ever played.
Really could have any Genesis era Sonic here music wise, it's insane how good the music for those games are. But I chose 3 because this game also just looks really good. Visuals wise, this was the Genesis' peak.
I'm actually not a huge fan of this game's OST (blame soundtrack replacement mods) but the visuals are so cohesive I have to tip it.
I love tension in a game's OST, this game manages to keep building it up mid combat which sounds amazing in play. Also I love the way this game looks it's unrealistic but I want a sequel.
I know it seems crazy but if Mirror's Edge is on here, this game gotta be here too. Genuinely the best looking Battlefield game in the entire franchise.
That low brappy bass that is heard in all of the hoard themes is literally stuck in my head I love listening to this game so much.


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