I enjoyed using a notepad to decipher the glyphs and it felt great to crack some of the puzzles though I'd hoped for more in regard to the platforming, which was mostly hammering RT until there was a platform I could jump to.


A very enjoyable puzzle platformer that I found a wee bit ugly. Using the time rewind mechanic for a story twist at the end was a strong touch.

I'm not sure that I've ever genuinely had fun playing Minesweeper but I sure as hell played a lot of it.

It's real ugly but Bo Rai Cho is a good/stupid pun. I really don't enjoy the loose feel of performing combos in this game.

Some of the combat sections overstay their welcome but it's a gorgeous wee adventure and the wall runs and rewind mechanic were a revelation at the time.

I loved this. I played it a lot while commuting but never quite reached the credits before letting a friend borrow my copy. I might return to it (I won't).

I got this free when I bought my 360 in anticipation of Street Fighter IV but I was burned out on the series, maybe the genre, by that point. Completed it in solo and LAN co-op but it was a real slog.

Not a huge fan of actually playing the older Resident Evil games but I do love the hokey dialogue. I mostly played this when I wanted to show off how amazing it looked (especially on my wee CRT).

Grew to really love the cast by the end, especially Apollo and Phoenix's casual look.

The main game is fine, very enjoyable if unremarkable. The Coin Rush StreetPass mode was almost enjoyable, but had an arbitrary 30,000 score limit, rendering it pointless. The Nerve Wrack Pack DLC was a wonderful trio of stages though; I played those three over and over for longer than it took to 100% the main game.

A short but very enjoyable (and pretty challenging) gravity-flip platformer. Belter of a soundtrack.

My favourite of the NSMB games by a huge margin and probably in my top 5 Mario games. The Challenge Mode is wonderful and I want to see it return.

Not a game I can consider completed I guess but I've probably had my fill of it and, up until then, it was laugh out loud hilarious. Lovely.

Just not really a fan of scrolling beat em ups in general.

A true classic. The music! I can't say with confidence that I actually finished it though. I should! It whips.