I love how simple yet absolutely unwavering this game is. The game pushes the boundaries on what intuitive really means. On one hand, it's simply designed, but on the other hand the gameplay and puzzles are still complex. It doesn't hold your hand much; it took me maybe about 10-15min to understand how to play. It reminded me of some of the best films I've watched. The ones that present a singular vision and a meditative rhythm that you either buy into or you don't. This game has zero dialogue, barely any characters (can I call them that lmao), plenty of magical mumbo jumbo, yet I was wildly into it the whole time.

An engaging little, self-assured masterpiece on perspective and finding meaning in life.

This game impressively tackled countless themes within its constraints. You've got everything from forgiveness, redemption, friendship, sex, living in a police state, corruption, celebrity worship, capitalism, you name it. The daily news stories and reddit threads you can read have to be crazy concise, yet they were still intriguing. The dialogue felt clunky sometimes, but it was generally natural and effective. The characters are charming and lovable.

My main gripes are that I got tired of making drinks because it's not a particularly engaging or interesting mechanic. Also, I love the soundtrack to death, but I'm lazy and setting the in-game playlist was annoying to me hahah otherwise I thoroughly enjoyed my time with these memorable characters and their entertaining, thought-provoking conversations.

I think I'm open world-ed out :( I played about 10 hours of this and got tired of it. I think the awkward horseback riding was my final straw and the lack of unlimited, easy fast travel early game.

Pros: fantastic character work and script, engaging plot, I cried a few times

Cons: very weak gameplay, the fighting/action scenes got repetitive fast, hard wasn't really challenging, weak upgrade system/skills

Overall: surprisingly poignant story about found family and grief with fully realized characters and relationships that tugged at my heart strings and often made me laugh out loud. unfortunately the action felt super clunky and repetitive it almost felt like a chore. I would die for this version of these characters.

It was mostly predictable, felt a bit lazy or soulless at times, and the finale is awkward and corny. But damn it during the final episode I stepped back from judging it and instead gave myself completely to it. I cried. I paused the game to reflect. I loved all the sentimentality and corny dialogue and extreme sincerity is. I ate it up!! The original Life is Strange is one of the first video games that got me into gaming as an adult and I’m so happy True Colors was able to continue carrying that torch. My heart is so full 💕

This was a delight that had me smiling at my Switch like a fool. It's like a puzzle roguelike walking simulator with an adorable art style and fun music. It's super simple to pick up for casual play. In fact, there's zero tutorial. You just get dropped in and have to solve your problems asap. It also has great replay value for those who want to figure out its multiple endings. It took me about 30min I think to get my first ending. Got it on sale for $2.49 and it was absolutely worth it already.

This was surprisingly addicting with great atmosphere and music. Some of the puzzles went over my head like "oh I can tap that??? are you kidding me???" but that's normal with puzzle games for me lmaoo this is def one of the best ones i've played

Beautiful creature designs, fantastic art style, enchanting music, excellent and memorable bosses. However, much felt underdeveloped: leveling system, combat, basic enemies, currency/collectibles. The quests felt repetitive fast (they're basically all fetch quests with a boss every time).

The bottom line, though, is that this was a damn impressive debut and an exciting showcase of Ember Lab's talent and potential. I will gladly buy whatever game they make next.

Also I'm trying to become a better gamer and this was insanely difficult on Hard lmaooo

After about 4 hours into this, I don't know how often I'll return to it because as much as I adore the music and level design, I get so bored with platformers. Not an entertaining genre for me :(

Just as all DLC, it's not as grand as the main story. Nor are its side quests as inventive as the base game's side quests, but there's truly compelling character development here dealing with trauma, guilt, and ending cycles of violence. I cried at the end because Jin's story here is so touching. Iki island's distinct, slightly more tropical vibe and varied wildlife was also fun and refreshing. I got all the trophies and officially put this game away after about 76 hours. Such a smooth, cinematic, impeccable gaming experience that I'll never forget.

Played GoT for 49 hours on ps4. Just got the platinum trophy (only my 5th platinum ever too!) today at 58 hours. I'm gonna start the dlc and log that separately. I love this game I really do.

Infinitely cheesy and with piano themes that felt manipulative as hell, but honestly I cry at everything anyway!! So yeah this had a thoughtful and bittersweet story with enough levity to move it forward. The gameplay was lacking, but the final product was so remarkable it'll stay with me for a long time. So impressive that this is a 10-year-old game!!

A thoroughly charming game in so many ways. I loved its fleshed out characters, music, the cartoon art style and the strong voice acting. The puzzles ranged from insultingly easy to head-scratchingly hard. Most were super satisfying though.

The game is brought down, however, by an anticlimactic and explanation-heavy ending and some game mechanisms that take the fun out of crime-solving. Overall I'm so happy with my time playing this game.

God this was fun!! The performance RT visuals were spectacular, and the different weapons with the controller haptic feedback/audio felt so satisfying. I adored the whole cast, especially the new characters. I really connected with this game's themes of loneliness, self doubt and learning to believe in yourself.

ok great now someone do this with EMOTION by Carly Rae Jepsen