Starts off strong, but its just a weak Bloodborne with a pretty boy.

silent hill for simps, herry was much better protagonist

Not a bad game, not as interesting as the previous one, but visually it looks just as good, and it's not bad that it's now more action-oriented instead of a puzzle-focused game. What I didn't like is that it felt very scripted and linear. Also, the sound during the cutscenes was terrible."

Hmm... It's a mixed bag of salt. It's unique, and fun for the most part. But you gonna die more to random bs than the actual bosses. Lots of unnecessary platforming. Runbacks take more time than the actual fights. The skill tree is boring.
It's made by 2 people, but so as other games that are better.
It was worth my time, but it's an easy to forget game.

Very strong and promising start. The second part of it was weak tho, too much fantasy

It was good, But i was expecting much more because of the hype around it

...just one more turn...

Nearvus, sweating, but finished the game at 4AM.
The temperature started rising as the sun come up.

One of the kind game

I like the idea but it's not for me.
Being constantly stuck in a mud while 90liters of gasoline just evaporates in minutes is not fun.

You are starting with a non-offroad truck, and your base is in the middle of nowhere.
It was fun for a while, but it just way too much.

One of the best horror games out there

Meh. The ai is really bad. The main character is ugly. The game is boring. (Graphics are nice tho)

My thoughts after completing the game:
She talks too much.
Levels are repetitive.
Allies and quests are shit.
Looks amazing, sandbox gameplay are nice.
Feminist revenge pom.
Choices are meaningless
Youcan only climb on some designated edges.
Dark souls for girls.
Signs and guides are everywhere.
Even very hard is easy.
Bad long puzzles