46 Reviews liked by killnetic

o que separa a bicha loka da bicha má?

another day volunteering at the russian-government funded bioshock museum. everyone keeps asking me if they can fuck the fridge. buddy, they wont even let me fuck it

In a just world, this would've been a PS4 launch title, it would've been 60fps, it would've been mildly successful and it would've had a sequel.

We don't live in a just world.

favourite genre of game is mikami with a few crack rocks getting told he can just make whatever the fuck he wants

half way through playing this game, my mum came into my room to tell me she was divorcing my dad, left a kinda sour taste in my mouth tbh

honestly baffling how this revolutionary game was taken from us because some guy played Half Life or whatever

this was like peering into an alternate, utopian timeline where the only different thing was that this build was finished and released in 2001. Guess what? no cancer, no hunger, no discrimination, and I became a trillionaire from writing videogame reviews.

If you let Tumblr fandoms ruin a game for you, you need to grow up.

My first impression was being exposed to NTR porn and after 80hrs my thoughts on it are even worse

"wot if u were a boy with no personality but two hot babes fell in love with you because you were nice to them on the most basic level possible and also the hot babes were part of a marginalised group considered your property but it's ok it's not weird we promise they actually like that you are Their Master it's ok :)"

You should all be ashamed of yourselves.

when you're writing something that attempts to get your viewpoint or opinion about something across, it's always good to take a step back and try to take an objective view of what you actually said versus what you wanted to say. no, i don't mean objective goods vs bads with regards to the game, that's actual nonsense and you are experiencing psychosis, i'm talking about what YOU said. chances are you just wrote something so inane and stupid that any idiot can pick it apart and hit you with "what the actual fuck does that even mean?"
egg on your face honestly. my face is clean.

if you aren't at all enticed by a brawler where you bash demons in with your own severed appendages while jim cummings (who you may know better as the master, or winnie the pooh) relentlessly taunts you over the damned chanting of "WHITE WHALE; HOLY GRAIL", then seriously just get the fuck out of here

in all honesty there's some lacking enemy variety towards the backend (a problem with most beat em ups) but minor complaints aside this is genuinely one of the most underrated games of all time with some fantastic art direction and a surprisingly captivating story to boot

shame it'll prolly never get a sequel, but even if it does end on a cliffhanger - it's one really fucking cool cliffhanger

rick is literally me

Distills the vapid vapours of those Twitter and Instagram accounts that post screencaps of Goku and Shinji and Lain staring out into the mid-distance with fake subtitles like "Everything happens so much"; anime and depression as tumblr tote-bag therapy totems, medications as aesthetic-dialectic collectibles to be flexed on Discord and TikTok. Refines the things I didn't like about Milk Inside and discards the things I did like - a classic example of someone being given more time and space to speak and ultimately showing ass over class; everyone's entitled to express themselves however they like in their own art, but careless depiction of mental health is something I struggle to commend, especially given the target audience here. Milk Outside's not entirely without merit, but the most interesting nugget here - 'web people' and their existence as random images and text to be hoarded in your personal Pokedex in lieu of meaningful relationships (1300 webfriends who like drawing and a notebook with half a dozen drawings) - is coated on either side with an unpleasant film of gibberish that's hard to wipe off before digestion. Looks great, though!

What if Mega Man but with 0 effort put into level design?