46 Reviews liked by killnetic

If I've learned anything, it's that the people who think this is better than 2 are probably lesbians, and that's just fine.

The most terrifying, oppressive, claustrophobic experience I've had in the medium is no surprise a stalking disturbing message of an encroaching patriarchal faith. Heather wants nothing to do with it, and neither will I. Monsters of repressed memories and physical/sexual trauma stalk the corridors, but catharsis is found in making them all Burn. Aborting god is probably the rawest turn on killing god tbh. I personally got lost in the woods of the threads near the end but I think on just initial reflection that there's a large point in there about an incomprehensibly massive societal issue that makes it difficult to form into something tangible (e.g. male gaze and abuse). It's also like a crystalized end to everything the series culminated in before, tying everything back together. Genuinely super well crafted, and a crazy good final message. That cycle of disparaging hatred is still overturned by the real spark of sympathy, we just want love.

Talk to

Xenosaga is so far up its own ass that it has formed a perfect circle. This is a 40 hour long game in which almost nothing happens. At the game's end the plot has barely moved from the starting line despite having seven hours of cutscenes. Combat is tedious, character progression is unremarkable, and there's really nothing to see here except the story, which you can maybe start to appreciate after playing two more games, studying the intricacies of Jungian psychology, and becoming a doctor of Judeo-christian theology. What? You haven't read the Kabbalah? What are you some kind of idiot?

if you like fun fuck you. if you think games should be fun fuck you. if you want games to be fun fuck you. i think games should never be fun or even hint at the possibility of fun and if you think otherwise fuck you.

legitimately impressive that rare made an entire game without including level design

esse jogo fez um downgrade irreparável em videogames
e fez o flamengo perder hj


level design corredor fodase, alguns bosses meio merdas

uma das melhores mecânicas de combate (nero e dante, V é uma das piores)
o final é legal
Dante talvez o melhor boneco de jogo de ação da história
uuhhh a moto é bem legal

enfim o jogo é legal


I only played this game because of my ex, and even then it was a miserable experience. Then she cheated on me on Valentine's day, of all days. Because of her, I unnecessarily wasted part of my life on this shithole of a game.

Fuck you Evelyn, and fuck you League of Legends.

Pilotredsun Dollar Extreme funneled through a sleezy corporate-owned meat tube bricked & gibbed into a Windows 95 screensaver. The only game ever made.

listen dog im nowhere near disciplined to thoroughly master, let alone discuss, a majority of what this genre has to offer yet but if reading "I WILL NOT DIE UNTIL I ACHIEVE SOMETHING. EVEN THOUGH THE IDEAL IS HIGH, I NEVER GIVEN IN." right before being affronted with a nigh unparaphrasable barrage of bullets doesn't awaken a burning resolve within you do you really enjoy videogames?

this game made me less afraid of death. there is no higher review i can give it.