116 Reviews liked by kryst4line

Esta entrega de Need for Speed intenta ir un poco más allá de lo tradicional, y aunque lo logra por muy poco, falla en muchas otras características. Primero que todo (y no creo poder enfatizar tanto en lo que voy a decir a continuación) la conexión a internet permanente para jugar NUNCA debería ser implementada en este tipo de títulos. Dejen eso para los MMO, los MOBA y apartados multijugador en línea, pero obligar una conexión permanente en un juego cuyo enfoque es el de una campaña para un solo jugador es algo innecesario que solo entorpece la experiencia en lugar de mejorarla. No hay botón de pausa y si por alguna razón tu conexión pasa por un mal momento corres el riesgo de ser desconectado del servidor. Algo que me ocurrió unas tres veces a lo largo de mi recorrido por la historia principal, y sin lugar a dudas algo que pudo haber sido evitado del todo. Dejando a un lado las quejas, Need for Speed es un buen juego, con unas gráficas excelentes y unos efectos sonoros espectaculares (y aunque no escucharemos melodías tan impresionantes como en las entregas anteriores las implementadas funcionan muy bien). La campaña incorpora actuaciones live action para presentar a diferentes personajes que se encuentran acoplados a los diferentes estilos de manejo que nos ofrece el título. Estos segmentos están muy bien logrados, con buenas actuaciones y demás, pero llegando al final nos damos cuenta que pudieron haber realizado un mejor trabajo con la historia (si están recurriendo a este tipo de narrativa) ya que no hay nada que nos aliente a seguir, ni un solo problema, ni una sola línea de guion que llame la atención. El título carece de propósito y solo se centra en entregarnos numerosas pruebas de derrapes, sprints, contrarreloj, circuitos y demás que bien pudieron haber estado ahí sin la necesidad de tanto complique. El manejo y la personalización de los coches es bastante extensa contando inclusive con la opción de modificar un auto específicamente para derrapes o para tener un mejor agarre. Ventura Bay es una ciudad algo pequeña para los estándares de hoy día, pero logra su cometido incluyendo aquí y allá alguno que otro coleccionable y un ambiente nocturno que nunca cambia salvo por algún extraño y espontáneo amanecer. Si te gusta la velocidad el juego es para ti, pero no esperes una gran historia ni nada trascendental, es solo otro juego de carreras con buenas gráficas y unos personajes que, aunque se ganan nuestro cariño, se estancan y no nos muestran su máximo potencial.

He de decir que no he jugado a la trilogía original, por lo cual me he perdido gran parte de los feelings. Pero eso no le quita nada al juego, está maravillosamente escrito y la acción una vez entras en su rollo es la hostia. Juegapo, a jugarlo.

me meten un anuncio mas y me cago encima

Really, me and my SO dropped this several months back, but that's neither here nor there. Just reminded to talk about my thoughts on this, Uhm,

I appreciate the spirit of this moreso than the end nature of it. My partner and I had a blast playing it, and the whole Honey I Shrunk the Kids aesthetic is perfect. I loved all the little minigames, the cutesy charm, all the cooperative puzzles. It's a return to this form of gameplay style from what feels like very yesteryear. If any lesson is learned from this game's acclaim, it's that there should absolutely be more of this.

I just wish the end result here was something I could champion. We ended up dropping it largely from its surrounding noxious energy. The main conceit of this couple being entrapped together fantastically to just reignite their fire for, largely implied, the kids' sake, just made us lose all of the vibes at once. Every attempt to reopen the game was spent on trying to ignore that, but it didn't really go very far. We got about a couple hours in before it became too much to tolerate, especially since the absolutely brutal incompatibilities regarding one of the two just reminded one of us of our ex. It feels like a useless story to me? It's definitely not coming from a bad state of mind, and like, it's genuine, it's earnest! But it feels almost shaming to partners who aren't working out together. All for more people going to couples therapy to see if their issues truly aren't fixable but I don't like this general idea at all, it's so "makes up a couple". Couldn't help but doctor out a story in my head that starts with this same idea but ends up taking it in a direction that commentates that maybe at the end of it some things aren't fixable and requires splitting, a far more realistic notion to takeaway that finishes off with a note that has them separating after all, with a bittersweet understanding of what they've learned from their incompatibility, rather than some, to be blunt, sickening notion of THINK OF THE KID!! GOTTA FORCE YOUR TOTAL SPARK OF LOVE (that for most people in this situation, won't be there anymore) BY MAKING UP COOP STYLE.

Honestly it's worse than the writing. We laughed together at a couple jokes, my partner found the two much much more obnoxious from sentence to sentence than me, but I'm used to it. The smarmy totally shouty couple vibe isn't like a complete mismatch for what everything here is going for. That's the most charitable I'll get with it though haha.

I'll say it takes two is good when we get the much more ambitious polycule sequel it takes three.

It may not be Most Wanted, but it sure is fun. The franchise already tried so many different ideas that I'm not really bothered that it feels like Burnout.

You guys are being too mean to this game. Singleplayer was very lackluster but Multiplayer features were very innovative and addicting.

Fart jokes aside (deadly but silent, y'know), a pretty good port of the original RE1. I never beat RE1 back in the day but I wanted to give it a shot because I love REmake and this version interested me because of QoL changes (transition skips, quick turn and quick knife). It really makes you appreciate REmake even more (difficulty balancing and added content mostly), but it's great on its own.

My complaints are that it's really really easy (you're showered in ink ribbons, herbs and ammo) and the caves are ugly as FUCK.

Pretty easy to recommend to anyone interested in playing the OG after REmake because the game is like 4 hours long.

Note, this is all based on a Classic mode Jill's good ending playthrough. I'll play Classic mode Chris in a bit. Don't really care to play Rebirth mode though.

Edit: classic Chris is as easy as classic Jill save the start, just has a lot more walking. Rebecca is a queen tho

Best Need for Speed game for current-gen. The fact that this was the first NFS game to break the annual release did the game wonders, but EA's lack of support left us players wanting more. Microtransactions and the slot machine part upgrade system from Payback are gone. Just good old fashioned win races to earn money to upgrade cars and buy cars.

Heat's biggest gimmick is the Day/Night system. Set in a fictional version of Miami, Florida, the daytime has you compete in street legal (mostly closed circuit, track races) to earn money for upgrading parts and buying new vehicles. Nighttime has you compete in illegal street races (non-closed track like Underground) to earn REP for leveling up and unlocking better car parts. You can switch between day or night at any time (when not in a race) for your enjoyment.

Cops are relentless and can be a real pain if you don't have a well upgraded car. It can be annoying as when you earn REP from races, you must drive to a safehouse at night to "bank" your points. Get busted by the cops and it's all gone.

The day/night system is wrapped around a story centered around street racing and police corruption. It's standard, but quite interesting and has its moments.

Plenty of activities exist from stunt jumps, speed traps, drift trials and time trials to name a few.

Great Need for Speed game, and probably the best of the current-gen bunch, that deserved more recognition, love and attention.



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A sweet little story told over the course of a few real-time weeks of checking in. Almost virtual pet-like in that way.

The way the game turns Midori's inability to cope with her stress into the player literally not having the option to do anything but work hits extremely close to home for me.

Bloom's finale felt a little sudden to me, and I wish the gardening mechanic had had more to do with the progression through the story in the end. Could've done with a little more fleshing out, too; maybe a bouquet bonus for planting coordinating flowers?

In any case, this one is definitely worth sideloading on your Playdate.

Some people have said that this is the Citizen Kane of videogames. In reality, its enigmatic nature makes it closer to the Lighthouse of videogames. That is, if The Lighthouse had blade saws and zombies and gunboats and building an antlion army and a trashcan and a soda can. Needless to say, this is awesome. The only times I got frustrated were when I was stuck in the mentality of "kill every enemy you face," which obviously won't work in some chapters. Every chapter is uniquely brilliant, and the story is very compelling. Overall, a fine addition to my collection of favorite games.

But minus half a star for not having any music during the final fight.

personally, is the best game made ver on the 3ds, is amazing how the story it's to good.

Don't even think about getting anything other than the spread gun

This game is... not awful! I expected this to be the worst of all the Metroid games (except for maybe NEStroid) but with the help of the colorization ROM hack and a map it ended up being surprisingly decent.

The music (or lack thereof) helped add to the atmosphere of the areas, and the super-cramped screen made it pretty tense when you were exploring with the possibility of a Metroid suddenly appearing at any moment. This definitely isn't a traditional Metroid, though, as there is zero backtracking whatsoever. However, I think the overall difference in its formula makes it that much more charming!

As someone who's played through AM2R and Samus Returns I like to see how differently they interpreted this game. AM2R is very faithful to the original, while Samus Returns takes the ideas and makes it into its own thing.

If you're a big Metroid fan I'd suggest giving this game a play, ESPECIALLY with the colorization ROM hack.


this is by far, and i mean it, my favorite metorid game of all time

this game is a true love letter to the franchise, i wish it had been my first experience with metroid II, since the game is usually underappreciated or buried under the reimagination that samus returns brings

this is the more faithful remake, take that as you will, but the original message that the game is supposed to convey is here, it's all here, it adds tremendously to the metroid series without making too many non-canon decisions, this is the metroid II: return of samus that you're looking for, play this game

it made me laugh, it made me scream in terror and it made me cry, it's a very full game with a lot of care put into it

nintendo sucks for taking all of their fan projects down, especially with how well crafted this one is, how customizable it is, how INSANELY GOOD it is

i hope nintendo takes notes and lets people create more of these, more love letters to their games, or even just outright hiring these people who would passionately work on their new installments

godspeed, milton guasti, i'm dying to play ori 2
