Play with friends? Fun, maybe you end up hating them.
Playing alone? You may end up hating yourself.

However the universe, art, and characters that are being created for this game are amazing and some of the best in the industry. And Arcane, the League of legends Netflix series, is an exemple of that.

Spooky Zelda. I love the sidequests. Great dungeons.

This game has been with me in the dark times, it is very important to me.

A classic. Probably you have seen many "Analysis" or "Retrospectives" on youtube, and in my opinion this game lives up to the hype.

Playing this for the first time is an experience that you will never forget, for sure.

As someone that does enjoy The Legend of Zelda games, the Souls saga rubs the happy part of my brain.

Warriors + Zelda + tons of things to unlock.

What a grind fest. A nice game to play on commutes.

This is an amazing adventure that makes a player persevere through different obstacles. The serotonin that you get when living up to the challenge is (for me) something unmatched.

Surely this is not for everyone, but if the souls-like formula appeals to you, you should give it a try.

This was a cool experience. However, the RPG mechanics and the changes that were made to the franchise in order to accomodate them hold AC: Origins back.

The (hand to hand) combat system is quite lacking, however the stealthy assassinations are awesome.

Many missions or targets force you to fight face to face. Making the flaws of the combat system even more noticeable.

The story is very engaging, but it wierdly comes to a stop for a couple hours, and then ramps up to an interesting ending in an astounding pyrrhic victory.

I approached this game with a lot of caution, since I LOVE both Dark Souls and Dark Souls III, a lot of player do not like this game as much as the other ones, but I definetly enjoyed the experience.

Outside of the DLC, the bosses were quite easy, but there were a few examples, such as the Executioner's Chariot, that surprised me with different mechanics from what I could see in other Souls-Like games.

The biggest complaint I can have about this game is the fact that the areas feel poorly connected (thematically speaking).

This threw me off when I was replaying the game in order to get 100% archievements, since I remembered (almost) all the areas but I did not know wich ones were interconnected.

And on top of that, going through a poison swamp / mines and getting in an elevator that gets you to a fortress filled with lava... is quite strange, to say the least.

But, if I can leave aside the issue with the incoherent area design, I believe that a remake of this videogame could be a very pleasant experience in the future.

This would require a lot of work since elements such as hitboxes are laughably bad and a complete overhaul would be in order.

Amazing platformer with a charming presentation, with some clever jokes and an amazingly interesting world

I do not enjoy Open world that much, I prefer a more lineal and tightly crafted experience, such as the one presented by the previous entries of Zelda.

However, the changes made to the game are wonderful and the sense of discovery is great. I do not like at all the durability of the weapons, but I can understand its utility as a in-game mechanic.

I feel like that having a few more distinct dungeons would have made a huge improvement in my view of the game.

The dungeons, the Divine Beasts, felt very (aesthetically) similiar and the bosses did too. The only thing that differenced them was the gimmick of the dungeon.

That, for me atleast, was a complete downgrade from other zelda games that had dungeons in different scenarios.

For me, this is the best Call of Duty package ever. The zombies peaked here, the campaign was amazing and captivating, and the multiplayer was so much innovative and fun.

Hearing the music from this game makes me tear up in joy. Played this when I was little, and played this again in 2023, still makes me smile. I don't know if it is the artistic design or the music or the charm of this world but I cannot wait to jump in again.

An edgier pokemon with some different and interesting mechanics.

I struggled to differenciate this game from Shin Megami Tensei III for the first 10 minutes and still find it funny.


Fun game. Kill demons.Great for stress relief.

This game did not resonate with me and the story was strange to say the least. I was not invested in the theme of the game and I find the setting less interesting than the third and the fourth entry of the series.

What a let-down.

This was the "last" pokemon before the slippery slope that placed the series in the position it finds itself in nowadays.

Despite the fact that 5th gen Pókemon (BW & BW 2) were the last 2D games, and by default, the last "good" ones, Pokemon X and Y still hold up as a nice experience in the Pókemon world where players can expect some challenge.

My biggest criticism is that from this game on, the games were way more "hand-holdy" and VERY linear, making every single player neglect the exploration of the world that surrounds them.