Didn't get great until the mod scene took off years later but heck yeah always down to punch a tree

before The Office made parkour a joke, let's all be thankful that Mirror's Edge was there to make it look like the coolest shit possible

There has never been another game that looks or plays like this one, but I would like 100 more please.

Wrote the blueprint for western turn-based RPGs.

Maybe someday I'll post a book-length review explaining all the things I love about it, but that's unlikely, because I know I'd be showing my whole old ass by doing that. I know my take is biased because I played this when I was a nerdy, lonely teen and just vibed with it immensely. I know there are a lot of things that some other folks would find rushed, or sloppy, or off-putting, or janky about it.

But... eff me it's brilliant innit? I can still look at those flaws and say with a straight face: 10-out-of-10, top 5 all-timer, perfect game.

And unlike most things in the genre it spawned, it only takes 20 hours to complete! Copy that part of it more often please, CRPG makers.

Looking back, Mario 3 is still my favorite Mario, but this was goddamn revelatory when it came out

Everyone knows they shoulda made 15 of these instead

In 1994 this blew my tiny nerd mind

I respect it-- as an extremely bold, confident, and vital shake-up of the open world genre. Particularly, I respect the way it re-imagines progression as a thing that ebbs and flows, instead of a bar that just slowly fills up over time. I just wish I enjoyed playing it more.

Turns out, my lizard brain kinda liked that dopamine drip of ever-forward progression better, which is why I've put twice as many hours into Genshin Impact already while my Switch is over there gathering dust.

In the long run... well, in the long run it's all just pictures on a screen. Play the games that make you happy.

Poker is fun. Why doesn't every MMO have poker tables in their social hub?

It's wild to me that this barely-supported F2P game is still the best way to play hold'em on any platform.

Playing this 15 years after release (and 20 years after Homestar Runner's zeitgeist years) was a nice rush of nostalgia at first. Thirty minutes in though I couldn't shake the feeling that this would've been soooo much better in the Wolf Among Us gameplay style instead of the o.g. Sam & Max style.

Decided that-- good early aughts feelies or no-- I didn't really wanna play this right now.

p.s. snake boxer V is weirdly compelling tho
p.p.s. the art style is spot on too


Basically bought a PC for this and X-Wing, have not been outside since

Yeah I know, I said I never got a SNES, but of course I've played ports of this, and it's legendary

The Zelda for cool kids.

Yo, for real I'll never forget this cartridge came packed with a PAPER LETTER in the box that had a SECRET MESSAGE written on the back in INVISIBLE INK. Discovering that might've been the single raddest thing that had ever happened to me up to that point in my young life. Some straight-up Kojima shit, a decade before MGS.

It took like 20 years for there to be a better beat-em-up than this

Maybe it's just cuz I never got a SNES, but this is the all-time peak of the Mario mountain for me