i hate bethesda games, but even with my bias, this is the worst and most boring one right? like yesss girl give us nothing!!


I cant stand Bethesda RPGs and this one is no different, just a boring and bland world with an even more bland combat system.

i have tried, SO MANY TIMES, to immerse myself into this game. SOMETIMES the gameplay can be challenging, SOMETIMES the dialogue can be intriguing, but most of the time i find myself bored out of my wits watching a youtube video off to the side. very tumblr-esque in the worst way (i say this as someone who uses tumblr regularly to this day)

how do mario games keep being perfect. this one has a lot of melancholic notes that hit just right

Ive been trying to hard to like it, I just cant. Very pretty though, and the models are all very clean

fun, rewarding, and beautiful. These are all things I wouldve said if I couldve gotten through the tutorial level. What is a dash?

the grandpa of all 3D platformers, and it still feels better to control than 90% of non-Mario platformers

very very fun, glad public perception on this game has been changing over time. That being said, as funny and ironic as the story is, it doesnt really hold a candle to the other MGS games in my opinion

my personal favorite of the trilogy, best lore and most interesting bosses

watching that E3 demo and then playing this game is the closest ive ever felt to soul-crushing

its black/white but more, how could it be anything else but peak