I do think it's kinda cool how statistically speaking the left side tends to win against the right, but I also think that inserting politics in games like that is what ruined the industry so 😒😒😒.

"More than a third of the birds on its supplier farms in the UK and Ireland suffer from a painful inflammation known as footpad dermatitis that in severe cases can prevent birds from walking normally.
Footpad dermatitis is characterised by lesions on the feet, usually because of poor ventilation and litter management. KFC said the number of birds affected had fallen from more than half to 35% in just four years, and that its top suppliers were achieving levels of 15% or below.
Nearly all the chickens reared for KFC are fast-growing breeds that take just 30 days to reach slaughter weight. The push for high growth rates and maximum amounts of breast meat has exacerbated health and welfare problems for birds, including inability to move and liver and heart failure." - Alvorada Foundation

Yuna: "My two girlfriends. And yes, they smoke weed."
Wakka: "Do they smoke weed, ya?"
Yuna: "Yes, actually."
Lulu: "You mean she isn't just smoking a cigarette?"
Khimari: "Khimari don't know weed cigarettes."
Dressphere change: Dancer
Yuna: "It's called a phid... not weed cigarette..."
Yuna: "And yes, it is a weed phid. They all smoke weed phids before we kiss. (They are my girlfriends,)"

Meme culture changes so fast it's kind of insane, I'm sure this was the funniest shit back in early 2021 but playing it nowadays had me staring at the jokes with an emotionless plain face like I was watching SNL.

Attention. This is a pre-recorded message.

If you are reading this, it means that 2016's Game of the Year Overwatch servers closed down worldwide, for the best. The once fabled TF2 killer closing down when said game only received one major update.

The world shall experience peace like never before, for approximately 26:59:55 hours, until the launch of Overwatch 2.

Be happy. Prosper.

After dropping the game with 309 hours spent, seeing it get worse and worse, now banned user Maradona whose crimes were picking off-meta picks in casual matches still retains somewhat good memories despite it all.

Such as:

- 6 v 6 Winston only.
- Release Mccree.
- Lucioball.
- Pre-Nerf Roadhog in Ilinois.

Those shall permanently stay as fond ones.
That be it, hidden behind other extensively more painful ones

Such as:

- Shitty e-sports enforced meta
- Queerbaiting
- Literally everything about lootboxes
- "The Cosby room"

That's all. No end messages or anything. Just a brief passage. Like the game it represents.

Goodbye Overwatch.
Thank you for killing Blizzard's reputation forever.
We needed that.

Me everytime after the lobotomy.

Senran Kagura is canon in the Metal Gear universe.

This shit is so poorly optimized that it almost loads images slower than Backloggd loads pages.

"Buddha, how does one reach Nirvana?"
"Take this my son, and learn from it."
"But Buddha, you just gave me Ikarugaâ„¢ (2001)."
"Everything happens for a reason. Don't question it, trust it"

Dae u ever git that wiy wen u think 'ah mate its pure class bein a sonic fan' and like 0.5 seconds later ur lit 'cannae believe it, best gaem wev 'ad since Mania and it's trapped in a cuntin' book.' Fuck sake man its shite bein' a Sonic fan.

POV: You are a small youtuber about to play trending clickbait garbage.

So I went to the arcade with my family today, and it was pretty fun. We bought 16 tokens and equally distributed equally between us (4 each), but mostly spent our time playing Taiko because of course we would. It's a really fun game to play both alone and with your family, and the fact that you could play 2 songs with a single token was really helpful as well, because each one cost around 5 reais, which is a bit pricey.

Between all of the terrible kids oriented ones and loud Kof cabinets where 30 year olds were screaming like their lives depended on it, my cousin kept staring at Flying Tickers. I have no idea why this one in particular but he's 7, so maybe he recognized the visuals from a youtube kids video? Weird to think that flappy bird is older than him...

Anyway, while my parents were blasting the drums with folklore music on easy, I decide to spent my 2 last tokens so that we can give it a shot together. Considering that he burned his tokens in some quirky whack-a-mole reskin with zombies that were too fast for his hands, I felt like it could be fun y'know.

Anyway, after the 2 tokens went in, we pressed the 2 buttons to play the only mode there was for multiplayer: versus. Since the game had only a single button, tap, I was wondering what the hell would happen in it, hoping for the best.

After mere 4 seconds of not understanding how the tapping works because the screen trailers only kept showing flashing lights with blatantly adulterated gameplay to call the attention of small kids, he died. Immediately on screen a small 'Player 2 wins' message appeared, and... that was it.

That was the game.

2 tokens burned in 4 seconds.

He almost started crying out of guilt, saying sorry because he felt like he made me burn 4 games on the cool drum machine. We ended up buying 2 more (of course, just saying that we found it in our pockets) just to play together the 'weird songs' that I liked on Taiko, which I'll one day explain to him that are vocaloid stuff.

Anyway thanks for reading until here, I know it's not the usual meme reviews that I do but I needed to vent this terrible experience, this game is peak predatory garbage and a strong contender for worst experience I've ever had with the medium as a whole.

Rise and Cum Mr Freeman.
Rise and Cum.