I like how out of every destructive force of nature of creatures present in this game, it's the shitty wiggly worm that's the one that breaks the most friendships.

I understand the appeal of powerscaling, but I think it's very boring when its just comparing how strong someone is and not about powerful shit like the weed that guy on the hub's bathtub was smoking.

Virtual goth tiddy awooga awooga.

That's it I'm kinkshaming the Tanooki suit.

Every time you fail in a motorcycle level I bang you're mom harder.

Maybe the real pigs were the capitalists we met along the way.

The water routes are kinda good when you don't have a bitch in your ear telling you it's not.

Fuck nature.
I wanna jump higher.

Why does every bricklayer looks like those guys at Pawn Stars?

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The game that dared to ask what everyone thought in 5th grade.

What if Napoleon had a gun?

Nah bro you don't get it the permastun is an intended mechanic.

Strong contender for having the funniest out of context screenshots in gaming, because even in context they make no sense most of the time.

Now, don't tell anyone, but I used to have a crush on the goalkeeper of this game for some reason.

Le mustache child has arrived.

Toads are so cute hope they commit tax fraud.